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发表于 2024-5-24 12:11:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


评论案件编号:USTR-2024-0007 就301条款调查四年审查中的拟议修改和机械排除程序征求意见
美国相关进口商、货代、商协会等可在2024年6月28日截止收集意见之前在网站提交评论https://comments.ustr.gov/ 评论意见不局限于拟议排除清单内的产品,也可提交其他非清单内的产品。

摘要:USTR在2022年9月8日发布的通知中宣布,在对中国的技术转让、知识产权和创新相关行为、政策和做法的301条款调查中,2018年7月6日和2018年8月23日的行动(经修改)在其四周年的日期没有终止,并将继续。通知还宣布,美国贸易代表将对这些行动进行审查。根据总统的具体指示,美国贸易代表将根据总统的指示,通过增加或提高对中国某些战略部门产品的从价税率,对上述行动提出修改建议。此外,美国贸易代表还提出了可适用排除程序的子目,通过该程序,有关人士可要求将用于国内制造业的特定机械暂时排除在这些关税之外。美国贸易代表还建议修改这些行动,对某些太阳能制造设备给予 19 项临时排除。本通知附件中列出了这些拟议修改的产品以及拟议排除程序的产品。美国贸易代表办公室正在就拟议的修改和排除程序征求公众意见。

评论开启时间:美国东部时间 2024年5月29日上午12:01 https://comments.ustr.gov 门户网站上的公开备审案件将开放,供相关人士提交评论。
评论截止时间:美国东部时间 2024年6月28日晚11:59时之前,请在此日期前就公开备审文件提交书面意见,以确保你的评论意见获得考虑。
评论地址:您必须通过在线门户网站 https://comments.ustr.gov 提交所有意见。
更多信息,请联系美国贸易代表办公室(USTR)第301条款款委员会主席 Philip Butler 和 Megan Grimball,电话:(202) 395-5725。
Docket Number USTR-2024-0007
Request for Comments on Proposed Modifications and Machinery Exclusion
Process in Four-Year Review of Actions Taken in the Section 301 Investigation:China’s Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation
AGENCY: Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR).
ACTION: Request for comments.

SUMMARY: In a notice published on September 8, 2022, USTR announced that the July 6, 2018 and August 23, 2018 actions, as modified, in the Section 301 investigation of China’s Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to  echnology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation did not terminate on their four-year anniversary dates and would continue. The notice also announced that the U.S. Trade Representative would conduct a review  f the actions. In connection with that review, and at the specific direction of the President, the U.S. Trade Representative is proposing modifications to the actions by adding or increasing ad valorem rates of duty, as  irected by the President, for certain products of China in strategic sectors. In addition, the U.S. Trade Representative is proposing subheadings eligible for an exclusion process by which interested persons may request  hat  articular machinery used in domestic manufacturing be temporarily excluded from these tariffs. The U.S. Trade Representative also is proposing to modify the actions by granting 19 temporary exclusions for certain solar manufacturing equipment. The products subject to these proposed modifications and the products being proposed for the exclusion process are set out in annexes to this notice. USTR is seeking public comments  egarding the proposed modifications and exclusion process.

May 29, 2024, at 12:01 a.m. EDT: The public docket on the web portal at https://comments.ustr.gov will open for interested persons to submit comments.
June 28, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. EST: To be assured of consideration, submit written comments on the public docket by this date.
ADDRESSES: You must submit all comments through the online portal: https://comments.ustr.gov.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Philip Butler and Megan Grimball, Chairs of the Section 301 Committee, (202) 395-5725.

USTR Issues Federal Register Notice on Section 301 Proposed Tariff Modifications and Machinery Exclusion Process
May 22, 2024
“Today, I am following through on my commitment to stand up to the People’s Republic of China’s unfair trade practices by issuing a formal proposal to modify the tariff actions,” said Ambassador Katherine Tai. “The President has directed me to make substantial tariff increases on targeted, strategic products, and this is an important step to carry out that vision. The President and I will continue to fight for American workers, and for our economic future and national security.”
On May 14, 2024, after considering the advice of the Trade Representative, President Biden directed the Trade Representative to take a number of actions.
In May 2022, USTR commenced the statutory four-year review process by notifying representatives of domestic industries that benefit from the tariff actions of the possible termination of those actions and of the opportunity for the representatives to request continuation. In September 2022, USTR announced that because requests for continuation were received, the tariff actions had not terminated and USTR would conduct a review of the tariff actions. USTR opened a docket on November 15, 2022, for interested persons to submit comments with respect to a number of considerations concerning the review. USTR received nearly 1,500 comments.

As part of the statutory review process, throughout 2023 and early 2024, USTR and the Section 301 Committee (a staff-level body of the USTR-led, interagency Trade Policy Staff Committee) held numerous meetings with agency experts concerning the review and the comments received.

Specifically, the Report concludes:
The Section 301 actions have been effective in encouraging the PRC to take steps toward eliminating some of its technology transfer-related acts, policies, and practices and have reduced some of the exposure of U.S. persons and businesses to these technology transfer-related acts, policies, and practices.

The PRC has not eliminated many of its technology transfer-related acts, policies, and practices, which continue to impose a burden or restriction on U.S. commerce. Instead of pursuing fundamental reform, the PRC has persisted, and in some cases become aggressive, including through cyber intrusions and cybertheft, in its attempts to acquire and absorb foreign technology, which further burden or restrict U.S. commerce.

Economic analyses generally find that tariffs (particularly PRC retaliation) have had small negative effects on U.S. aggregate economic welfare, positive impacts on U.S. production in the 10 sectors most directly affected by the tariffs, and minimal impacts on economy-wide prices and employment.

Negative effects on the United States are particularly associated with retaliatory tariffs that the PRC has applied to U.S. exports.

Critically, these analyses examine the tariff actions as isolated policy measures without reference to the policy landscape that may be reinforcing or undermining the effects of the tariffs.

Economic analyses, including the principal U.S. Government analysis published by the U.S. International Trade Commission, generally find that the Section 301 tariffs have contributed to reducing U.S. imports of goods from the PRC and increasing imports from alternate sources, including U.S. allies and partners, thereby potentially supporting U.S. supply chain diversification and resilience.

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