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[技术性贸易壁垒] 美国延长429项对华产品301关税排除期限(有效期至2024.5.31)









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发表于 2024-1-6 11:27:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




903.88.68 and U.S. notes 20(uuu)(i) 20(uuu)(ii) 20(uuu)(iii) 20(uuu)(iv)

(uuu) (i) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.68, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
(uuu)(i)美国贸易代表决定制定一个程序,通过该程序,可将分类在第9903.88.01品目和本分章美国注释20(a)和20(b)中规定的特定产品排除在第99038.8.01品目的附加关税之外。参见83 Fed.Reg.40823(2018年8月16日)和83 Fed.Reg.47326(2018年9月18日)。根据产品排除程序,美国贸易代表已确定,根据第9903.88.68类的规定,第9903.88.01类规定的额外关税不适用于列举的统计报告数字中规定的以下特定产品:
(1) Disposable plastic filters of a kind suitable for filtering and dehumidifying a patient's breath in a medical device such as a gas analyzer (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.0190)
(1) 一种适用于在医疗设备(如气体分析仪)中过滤和除湿患者呼吸的一次性塑料过滤器(在统计报告编号8421.39.0190中描述)
(2) S-band and X-band linear accelerators designed for use in radiation surgery or radiation therapy equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8543.10.0000)
(2) 设计用于放射外科或放射治疗设备的S波段和X波段线性加速器(如统计报告编号8543.10.0000所述)
(3) Disposable electrocardiograph (ECG) electrodes (described in statistical reporting number 9018.11.9000)
(3) 一次性心电图(ECG)电极(统计报告编号9018.11.9000中描述)
(4) Ultrasonic scanning apparatus, each having dimensions not exceeding 122 cm by 77 cm by 127 cm, whether or not presented with transducer (described in statistical reporting number 9018.12.0000)
(4) 超声波扫描设备,每个尺寸不超过122 cm×77 cm×127 cm,无论是否配备换能器(统计报告编号9018.12.0000中描述)
(5) Blood pressure monitors suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9530)
(5) 适合医疗专业人员使用的血压计(如统计报告编号9018.19.9530所述)
(6) Digital peak flow meters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
(6) 适合医疗专业人员使用的数字峰值流量计(如统计报告编号9018.19.9550所述)
(7) Fingertip pulse oximeters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
(7) 适用于医疗专业人员的指尖脉搏血氧仪(如统计报告编号9018.19.9550所述)
(8) Bismuth germanate crystals with set dimensional and surface finish requirements and used as a detection element in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) detectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
(8) 锗酸铋晶体,具有一定的尺寸和表面光洁度要求,用作正电子发射断层扫描(PET)探测器的检测元件(统计报告编号9018.19.9560中描述)
(9) Magnetic resonance imaging ("MRI") patient enclosure devices, each incorporating radio frequency and gradient coils (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
(9) 磁共振成像(“MRI”)患者外壳设备,每个设备都包含射频和梯度线圈(如统计报告编号9018.19.9560所述)
(10) Parts and accessories of capnography monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
(10) 二氧化碳监测仪的零件和附件(统计报告编号9018.19.9560中描述)
(11) Disposable surface electrodes for Intra-operative neuromonitoring ("IONM") systems, each composed of a surface electrode pad, an insulated wire, and a standard DIN 42802 connector (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
(11) 用于术中神经监测(“IONM”)系统的一次性表面电极,每个电极由表面电极垫、绝缘导线和标准DIN 42802连接器组成(在统计报告编号9018.19.9560中描述)
(12) Otoscopes (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.2000)
(12) 耳表(统计报告编号9018.90.2000中描述)
(13) Anesthesia masks (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.3000)
(13) 麻醉面罩(统计报告编号9018.90.3000中描述)
(14) Anesthetic instruments and appliances suitable for use in medical or surgical sciences, and parts and accessories of the foregoing (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.3000)
(14) 适用于医学或外科的麻醉仪器和器具,以及上述部件和配件(统计报告编号9018.90.3000中描述)
(15) Electrosurgical cautery pencils with electrical connectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
(15) 带电连接器的电外科烧灼笔(统计报告编号9018.90.6000中描述)
(16) Printed circuit board assemblies designed for use in displaying operational performance of medical infusion equipment (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.7580)
(16) 设计用于显示医用输液设备操作性能的印刷电路板组件(在统计报告编号9018.90.7580中描述)
(17) Combined positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanners which utilize multiple PET gantries (frames) on a common base (described in statistical reporting number 9022.12.0000)
(17) 组合式正电子发射断层扫描/计算机断层扫描(PET/CT)扫描仪,在公共基础上使用多个PET龙门架(框架)(在统计报告编号9022.12.0000中描述)
(18) X-ray tables (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.2500)
(18) X射线表(统计报告编号9022.90.2500中描述)
(19) X-ray tube housings and parts thereof (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.4000)
(19) X射线管外壳及其零件(统计报告编号9022.90.4000中描述)
(20) Multi-leaf collimators of radiotherapy systems based on the use of X-ray (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
(20) 基于X射线使用的放射治疗系统的多叶准直器(在统计报告编号9022.90.6000中描述)
(21) Parts and accessories, of metal, for mobile X-ray apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
(22) Vertical stands specially designed to support, contain or adjust the movement of X-ray digital detectors, or the X-ray tube and collimator in complete X-ray diagnostic systems (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
(23) Thermoplastic masks of polycaprolactone for the use of immobilizing patients, during the use of alpha, beta or gamma radiations, for radiography or radiotherapy (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.9500)
(24) Inoculator sets of plastics, each consisting of a plate with multiple wells, a display tray, and a lid; when assembled, the set measuring 105 mm or more but not exceeding 108 mm in width, 138 mm or more but not exceeding 140 mm in depth, and 6.5 mm or less in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 9027.90.5650)
(24)塑料接种器组,每个接种器组由具有多个孔的板、展示托盘和盖组成;组装时,宽度为105 mm或以上但不超过108 mm,深度为138 mm或以上,但不超过140 mm,厚度为6.5 mm或以下的组件(如统计报告编号9027.90.5650所述)
(ii) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and 20(d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.68, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.02 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
(ii)美国贸易代表决定制定一个程序,通过该程序,可将分类在第9903.88.02类中并在本分章美国注释20(c)和20(d)中规定的特定产品排除在第99038.8.02类规定的额外关税之外。参见83 Fed.Reg.40823(2018年8月16日)和83 Fed.Reg.47326(2018年9月18日)。根据产品排除程序,美国贸易代表已确定,根据第9903.88.68类的规定,第9903.88.02类规定的额外关税不适用于列举的统计报告数字中规定的以下特定产品:
(1) 9025.19.8010
(2) 9025.19.8020
(3) 9025.19.8060
(4) 9025.19.8085
(5) Molded acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) tubes, of a kind used to effect the sterile transfer of fluid from a bag or vial to another container, each tube measuring 7.5 cm or more but not exceeding 23 cm in length, with an inner diameter of less than 0.65 cm and an outer diameter of less than 9 cm, one end having been angle-cut to form a spike, and having an integrated flange, less than 3 cm in diameter (splash guard) near the spike end and removable polyethylene caps on each end, put up in sterile packing (described in statistical reporting number 3917.29.0090)
(5) 模压丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯(ABS)管,用于将流体从袋子或小瓶无菌转移到另一个容器,每根管长7.5厘米或更大,但不超过23厘米,内径小于0.65厘米,外径小于9厘米,一端被斜切形成钉状物,在钉状物端部附近有一个直径小于3厘米的集成法兰(防溅板),两端有可拆卸的聚乙烯帽,置于无菌包装中(如统计报告编号3917.29.0090所述)
(6) Rectangular sheets of high-density or low-density polyethylene, 111.75 cm to 215.9 cm in width, and 152.4 cm to 304.8 cm in length, with a sticker attached to mark the center of each sheet, of a kind used in hospital or surgery center operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3920.10.0000)
(6) 医院或手术中心手术室使用的高密度或低密度聚乙烯矩形片材,宽度111.75 cm至215.9 cm,长度152.4 cm至304.8 cm,并在每张片材的中心贴上标签(统计报告编号3920.10.0000中描述)
(7) Sheets and strips consisting of both cross-linked polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate, of a width greater than 1 m but not greater than 1.5 m, and a length greater than 1.75 m but not greater than 2.6 m (described in statistical reporting number 3921.19.0000)
(7) 由交联聚乙烯和乙烯醋酸乙烯酯组成的片材和条带,宽度大于1m但不大于1.5m,长度大于1.75m但不大于2.6m(统计报告编号3921.19.0000中描述)
(8) Polyethylene sheet and film laminated with spunbond-spunbond-spunbond nonwoven polypropylene fabric, measuring 1.12 m or more but not over 1.52 m in width and 1.93 m or more but not over 2.29 m in length, and weighing 55 g/m² or more but not exceeding 88 g/m² (described in statistical reporting number 3921.90.1500)
(8) 与纺粘-纺粘-非织造聚丙烯织物层压的聚乙烯片材和薄膜,宽度为1.12 m或以上但不超过1.52 m,长度为1.93 m或以上,但不超过2.29 m,重量为55 g/m²或以上但未超过88 g/m²(统计报告编号3921.90.1500中描述)
(9) Dispensers of hand-cleaning or hand-sanitizing solutions, whether employing a manual pump or a proximity-detecting battery-operated pump, each article weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
(9) 手部清洁或手部消毒溶液分配器,无论是使用手动泵还是接近检测电池操作泵,每件物品重量不超过3公斤(统计报告编号8424.89.9000中描述)
(iii) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and 20(f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.68, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
(iii)美国贸易代表决定制定一个程序,通过该程序,可将分类在第9903.88.03类中并在本分章美国注释20(e)和20(f)中规定的特定产品排除在第99038.8.03类规定的额外关税之外,根据该规定,分类在第9903.88.04类和本分章美国注释20(g)中规定的特定产品可被排除在第99038.8.04类规定的额外关税之外。参见《联邦法规》第83卷第47974页(2018年9月21日)和《联邦法规条例》第84卷第29576页(2019年6月24日)。根据产品排除程序,美国贸易代表已确定,根据第9903.88.68类的规定,第9903.88.03类或第9903.88.0 4类规定的额外关税不适用于列举的统计报告编号中规定的以下特定产品:
(1) 3808.94.1000
(2) 3808.94.5010
(3) 3926.20.9050
(4) 4819.50.4060
(5) 5603.12.0090 prior to July 1, 2022; 5603.12.0070 or 5603.12.0095 effective July 1, 2022
(5) 5603.12.0090,2022年7月1日之前;5603.12.0070或5603.12.0095,自2022年7月1日起生效
(6) 5603.92.0090 prior to July 1, 2022; 5603.92.0070 or 5603.92.0095 effective July 1, 2022
(6) 5603.92.0090,2022年7月1日之前;5603.92.0070或5603.92.0095于2022年7月1日生效
(7) 5603.93.0090
(8) 6505.00.8015
(9) 8424.90.9080
(10) Sodium metal (CAS No. 7440-23-5), in bulk solid form (described in statistical reporting number 2805.11.0000)
(10) 金属钠(CAS第7440-23-5号),散装固体形式(统计报告编号2805.11.0000中描述)
(11) Disposable cloths of nonwoven textile materials impregnated, coated or covered with organic surface-active preparations for washing the skin, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 3401.11.5000)
(11) 零售用浸渍、涂覆或覆盖有有机表面活性制剂的非织造织物材料制成的一次性布,用于清洗皮肤(统计报告编号3401.115000中描述)
(12) Mixtures containing 2-(dimethylamino)ethanol (CAS No. 108-01-0) (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9397)
(12) 含有2-(二甲基氨基)乙醇的混合物(CAS编号108-01-0)(在统计报告编号3824.99.9397中描述)
(13) Silicon monoxide (SiO) (CAS No. 10097-28-6) in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9397)
(13) 粉末形式的一氧化硅(SiO)(CAS第10097-28-6号)(在统计报告编号3824.99.9397中描述)
(14) Flexible gas sampling tubes, pipes and hoses, of polyvinyl chloride, with lock connectors at each end (described in statistical reporting number 3917.33.0000)
(14) 聚氯乙烯制柔性气体取样管、管道和软管,两端带锁紧连接器(统计报告编号3917.33.0000中描述)
(15) Flexible oxygen tubes, pipes and hoses presented with integrated molded connectors, of polyvinyl chloride (described in statistical reporting number 3917.33.0000)
(15) 聚氯乙烯制柔性氧气管、管道和软管,带有集成模制连接器(统计报告编号3917.33.0000中描述)
(16) Container units of plastics, each comprising a tub and lid therefore, configured or fitted for the conveyance, packing, or dispensing of wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.10.9000)
(16) 塑料容器单元,每个都包括一个桶和盖子,因此配置或安装用于湿巾的运输、包装或分配(统计报告编号3923.10.9000中描述)
(17) Sacks and bags of polymers of ethylene, reclosable, qualifying as Class 1 medical devices by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration under product code NNI (described in statistical reporting number 3923.21.0030)
(17) 可重新封闭的乙烯聚合物袋和袋,符合美国食品和药物管理局根据产品代码NNI规定的1类医疗器械的资格(统计报告编号3923.21.0030中描述)
(18) Injection molded polypropylene plastic caps or lids each weighing not over 24 grams designed for dispensing wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.50.0000)
(18) 注塑聚丙烯塑料帽或盖,每个重量不超过24克,设计用于分配湿巾(统计报告编号3923.50.0000中描述)
(19) Hand pumps (other than for fuel or lubricants, not fitted or designed to be fitted with a metering device), each used to dispense a metered quantity of liquid soap or sanitizer (described in statistical reporting number 8413.20.0000)
(19) 手动泵(燃料或润滑油除外,未安装或设计为安装计量装置),每个用于分配计量量的液体肥皂或消毒液(统计报告编号8413.20.0000中描述)
(20) Hand pumps for liquids (other than those of subheading 8413.11 or 8413.19) of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8413.20.0000)
(20) 丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯(ABS)塑料液体(第8413.11或8413.19子目除外)用手动泵(统计报告编号8413.20.0000中描述)
(21) Indicator panels incorporating LEDs, designed for use in medical infusion equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8531.20.0040)
(22) Data input devices each with display capabilities of a kind used for magnetic resonance imaging (?MRI?) equipment, computed tomography (?CT?) equipment, intraoperative X-ray (?IXR?) equipment or patient monitors (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
(23) Compound binocular optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 1,000X, weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
(24) Compound optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 400X, weighing not more than 15 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
(24)复合光学显微镜(立体显微镜和显微照片、电影显微照片或显微投影显微镜除外),每台显微镜的放大倍数为40倍或以上,但不超过400倍,重量不超过15 kg(统计报告编号9011.80.0000中描述)
(iv) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.68, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
(iv)美国贸易代表决定制定一个程序,通过该程序,可将第9903.88.15品目中分类的、本分章美国注释20(r)和(S)中规定的特定产品排除在第9903.88.1品目规定的额外关税之外。参见84 Fed.Reg.43304(2019年8月20日)、84 Fed.Reg.45821(2019年八月30日)、84Fed.Reg 57144(2019年10月24日)和85Fed.Reg.3741(2020年1月22日)。根据产品排除程序,美国贸易代表已确定,根据第9903.88.68项的规定,第9903.88.15项规定的额外关税不适用于以下列举的统计报告数字中规定的以下特定产品:
(1) 3401.19.0000
(2) 3926.90.9910
(3) 5210.11.4040
(4) 5210.11.6020
(5) 5504.10.0000
(6) 6210.10.5010
(7) 6210.10.5090
(8) 6307.90.7200
(9) Face shields of transparent plastics, whether or not assembled (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9950)
(9) 透明塑料面罩,无论是否组装(统计报告编号3926.90.9950中描述)
(10) Bowls of molded plastics, with clips for retaining guide wires during surgical procedures (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
(10) 模制塑料碗,带有用于在手术过程中固定导丝的夹子(在2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号3926.90.9990中描述;在2020年七月1日生效的统计报告号3926.90.9985中描述)
(11) Coverings, of plastics, designed to fit over wound sites or casts thereby forming a protective seal for keeping the covered area dry and debris free while showering or bathing (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
(11) 塑料覆盖物,设计用于覆盖伤口部位或铸件,从而形成保护性密封,以在淋浴或洗澡时保持覆盖区域干燥和无碎屑(2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号3926.90.9990中描述;2020年7日1日生效的统计报告号3926.90.9985中描述)
(12) Disposable graduated medicine dispensing cups of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
(12) 一次性刻度塑料配药杯(2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号3926.90.9990中描述;2020年7日1日生效的统计报告号3926.90.9985中描述)
(13) Single-use sterile drapes and covers of plastics, of a kind used to protect the sterile field in surgical operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
(13) 一次性无菌塑料窗帘和覆盖物,用于保护外科手术室的无菌区域(2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号3926.90.9990中描述;2020年7日1日生效的统计报告号3926.90.9985中描述)
(14) Sterile decanters of polystyrene plastics, each of a kind used to transfer aseptic fluids or medication to and from sterile bags, vials or glass containers (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
(14) 聚苯乙烯塑料无菌滗析器,每种用于将无菌液体或药物转移到无菌袋、小瓶或玻璃容器中或从无菌袋、西林瓶或玻璃容器转移无菌液体或药品(2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号3926.90.9990中有描述;2020年7日1日生效的统计报告号3926.90.9985中有描述)
(15) Cold packs consisting of a single-use, instant, endothermic chemical reaction cold pack combined with a textile exterior lining (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
(15) 冷包由一次性、即时、吸热化学反应冷包与织物外层衬里组成(2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号6307.90.9889中有描述;2020年7月份1日生效的统计报告号6307.90.9891中有说明)
(16) Hot packs of textile material, single-use (exothermic chemical reaction) (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
(16) 一次性(放热化学反应)纺织材料热包装(2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号6307.90.9889中描述;2020年7日1日生效的统计报告号6307.90.9891中描述)
(17) Laparotomy sponges of cotton (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
(17) 棉花剖腹产海绵(在2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号6307.90.9889中描述;在2020年七月1日生效的统计报告号6307.90.9891中描述)
(18) Single-use blood pressure cuff sleeves of textile materials (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
(18) 纺织材料的一次性血压袖套(2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号6307.90.9889中描述;2020年7日1日生效的统计报告号6307.90.9891中描述)
(19) Single-use stethoscope covers (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
(19) 一次性听诊器覆盖范围(在2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号6307.90.9889中描述;在2020年七月1日生效的统计报告号6307.90.9891中描述)
(20) Woven gauze sponges of cotton in square or rectangular sizes (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
(20) 方形或矩形尺寸的棉编织纱布海绵(2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号6307.90.9889中有说明;2020年7日1日生效的统计报告号6307.90.9891中有介绍)

9903.88.67 and U.S. notes 20(ttt)(i)、20(ttt)(ii)、20(ttt)(iii)、20(ttt)(iv)

(ttt) (i) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.67, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
(ttt)(i)美国贸易代表决定制定一个程序,通过该程序,可将分类在第9903.88.01品目和本分章美国注释20(a)和20(b)中规定的特定产品排除在第99038.8.01品目的附加关税之外。参见83 Fed.Reg.40823(2018年8月16日)和83 Fed.Reg.47326(2018年9月18日)。根据产品排除程序,美国贸易代表已确定,根据第9903.88.67类的规定,第9903.88.01类规定的额外关税不适用于列举的统计报告数字中规定的以下特定产品:
(1) 8412.21.0045
(2) 8481.10.0090
(3) 8483.50.9040
(4) 8525.60.1010
(5) 8607.21.1000
(6) 9030.90.4600
(7) Direct acting and spring return pneumatic actuators, each rated at a maximum pressure of 10 bar and valued over $68 but not over $72 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8412.39.0080)
(7) 直接作用式和气动执行机构和弹簧复位式气动执行机构,每台额定最大压力为10巴,每台价值超过68美元但不超过72美元(如统计报告编号8412.39.0080所述)
(8) Centrifugal pumps, submersible, other than for use with machines for making cellulosic pulp, paper or paperboard; the foregoing pumps rated not over 1.5 KW (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
(8) 离心泵,潜水式,与制造纤维素纸浆、纸张或纸板的机器一起使用的除外;上述额定功率不超过1.5 KW的泵(统计报告编号8413.70.2004中描述)
(9) Breast pumps, whether or not with accessories or batteries (described in statistical reporting number 8413.81.0040)
(9) 吸奶器,无论是否配有附件或电池(统计报告编号8413.81.0040中描述)
(10) Housings for water pumps of subheading 8413.30.90 (as described in subheading 8413.91.9010)
(10) 第8413.30.90子目的水泵外壳(如第8413.91.9010子目所述)
(11) Pump casings and bodies (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
(11) 泵壳和泵体(在2019年1月1日之前的统计报告编号8413.91.9080中描述;在2019年01月1日至2019年12月31日的统计报告号码8413.91.9095中描述,在2020年01月01日生效的统计报告号8413.91.9085或8413.91.9096中描述)
(12) Pump covers (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
(12) 泵盖(在2019年1月1日之前的统计报告编号8413.91.9080中描述;在2019年01月1日至2019年12月31日的统计报告号8413.91.9095中描述,在2020年01月01日生效的统计报告号码8413.91.9085或8413.91.9096中描述)
(13) Pump parts, of plastics, each valued not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
(13) 塑料泵部件,每个价值不超过3美元(在2019年1月1日之前的统计报告编号8413.91.9080中描述;在2019年元月1日至2019年12月31日有效的统计报告号8413.91.9095中描述,在2020年元月一日有效的统计报告编号8413.9 1.9085或8413.91.9096中描述)
(14) Compressors, other than screw type, used in air conditioning equipment in motor vehicles, each valued over $88 but not over $92 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8030)
(14) 用于机动车辆空调设备的螺杆式压缩机除外,每台价值超过88美元但不超过92美元(统计报告编号8414.30.8030中描述)
(15) Rotary compressors, each exceeding 746 W but not exceeding 2,238 W, with a cooling capacity ranging from 2.3 kW to 5.5 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8060)
(15) 旋转压缩机,每台功率超过746 W,但不超过2238 W,冷却能力范围为2.3 kW至5.5 kW(统计报告编号8414.30.8060中描述)
(16) Solar water heaters incorporating glass tube heat collectors and including glass tubes and stands with tanks (described in statistical reporting number 8419.19.0040 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8419.12.0000 effective January 27, 2022)
(16) 太阳能热水器,包括玻璃管集热器,包括带水箱的玻璃管和支架(2022年1月27日之前的统计报告编号8419.19.0040中描述;2022年1日27日生效的统计报告号8419.12.0000中描述)
(17) Heat exchanger plates, cores, finned tubes, cones, shells, bonnets, flanges and baffles (described in statistical reporting number 8419.90.3000)
(17) 热交换器板、芯、翅片管、锥体、壳体、阀盖、法兰和挡板(统计报告编号8419.90.3000中描述)
(18) Thermal roll laminators, each valued not over $450 (described in statistical reporting number 8420.10.9040)
(18) 每台价值不超过450美元的热辊式层压机(统计报告编号8420.10.9040中描述)
(19) Roller machines designed for cutting, etching or embossing paper, foil or fabric, manually powered (described in statistical reporting number 8420.10.9080)
(19) 专为切割、蚀刻或压花纸、箔或织物而设计的手动滚筒机(如统计报告编号8420.10.9080所述)
(20) Roller machines with dies for embossing paper, manually powered (described in statistical reporting number 8420.10.9080)
(20) 带手动压花纸模具的辊式机器(如统计报告编号8420.10.9080所述)
(21) Chemically etched dies of steel, steel-rule cutting dies, movable magnetic dies, embossing folders and plastic embossing diffusers, of a kind used in manually-powered roller machines for etching or stenciling a single sheet of cardstock, paper, leather, flexible magnet, plastics, metallic foil, vellum, felt or fabric, such sheets measuring not more than 50.8 cm in width or length (described in statistical reporting number 8420.99.9000)
(22) Cutting pads, platforms, base plates, pads, shims, trays, which function as guides for hand-operated table-top calendering machines of a width not exceeding 51 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8420.99.9000)
(23) Filtering or purifying machinery or apparatus of a kind used for waste water treatment (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
(24) Hand-held ultraviolet water purifiers, powered by batteries (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
(25) Machinery for filtering water, submersible, powered by batteries, manually operated, such machinery designed for use in pools, basins, aquariums, spas or similar contained bodies of water (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
(26) Filters designed to remove sulfites from wine (described in statistical reporting number 8421.22.0000)
(27) Air purification equipment, electrically powered, weighing less than 36 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8015 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.0115 effective January 27, 2022)
(27)重量小于36 kg的电动空气净化设备(2022年1月27日之前的统计报告编号8421.39.8015中描述;2022年1日27日生效的统计报告号8421.39.0115中描述)
(28) Filter housings, covers, or couplings, the foregoing of steel and comprising parts of machinery or apparatus for filtering liquids (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0040 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0140 effective January 27, 2022)
(29) Parts of swimming pool vacuum cleaners (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0040 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0140 effective January 27, 2022)
(30) Ratchet winches designed for use with textile fabric strapping (described in statistical reporting number 8425.39.0100)
(31) Garage door opener/closers (described in statistical reporting number 8428.90.0290 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8428.90.0390 effective January 27, 2022)
(32) Pile drivers, diesel powered (described in statistical reporting number 8430.10.0000)
(33) Counterweight castings of iron or steel designed for use on fork lift and other works trucks (described in statistical reporting number 8431.20.0000)
(34) Tines, carriages, and other goods handling apparatus and parts designed for use on fork lift and other works trucks (described in statistical reporting number 8431.20.0000)
(35) Welded frames designed to support conveyor rollers (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0010)
(36) Vulcanized rubber tracks, each incorporating cords and cleats of steel, designed for use on construction equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8431.49.9095)
(37) Animal feeding machinery (described in statistical reporting number 8436.80.0090)
(38) Parts of animal feeding machinery (described in statistical reporting number 8436.99.0090)
(39) Automated data processing storage units (other than magnetic disk drive units), not assembled in cabinets for placing on a table or similar place, not presented with any other unit of a system (described in statistical reporting number 8471.70.6000)
(40) Reject doors, pin protectors, liners, front walls, grates, hammers, rotor and end disc caps, and anvil and breaker bars, of iron or steel, the foregoing parts of metal shredders (described in statistical reporting number 8479.90.9496 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8479.90.9596 effective January 27, 2022)
(41) Ball type angle cock valve bodies, of cast iron, for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9020)
(42) Valve bodies, of aluminum, of valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9020)
(43) Angle cock handle assemblies, of iron and steel, each measuring 11.43 cm by 21.59 cm by 5.08 cm and weighing 0.748 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
(43)铁和钢制角旋塞手柄组件,每个尺寸为11.43 cm乘21.59 cm乘5.08 cm,重量为0.748 kg(统计报告编号8481.90.9040中描述)
(44) Armatures designed for use in hydraulic solenoid valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
(45) C-poles, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
(46) Metering spools, of aluminum, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
(47) Pipe brackets of aluminum, each with 4 ports, the foregoing measuring 27.9 cm x 20.3 cm x 17.8 cm and weighing 11.34 kg, designed for installation into air brake control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
(47)铝制管支架,每个管支架有4个端口,上述尺寸为27.9 cm x 20.3 cm x 17.8 cm,重量为11.34 kg,设计用于安装到空气制动控制阀中(如统计报告编号8481.90.9040所述)
(48) Poles, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
(49) Push pins, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
(50) Retainers, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
(51) Coupling covers, including center members, flanged hubs, sleeves and shoes (described in statistical reporting number 8483.90.8010)
(52) Electric motors, AC, permanent split capacitor type, not exceeding 16 W (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4020)
(52)不超过16 W的交流永久分裂电容器型电动机(在统计报告编号8501.10.4020中描述)
(53) DC electric motors, of an output of less than 18.65 W, other than brushless, measuring less than 38 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4060)
(53)直流电动机,输出功率小于18.65 W,无刷除外,直径小于38 mm(统计报告编号8501.10.4060中描述)
(54) DC motors, of an output exceeding 37.5 W but not exceeding 74.6 W, valued over $2 but not over $30 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.2000)
(54)直流电机,输出功率超过37.5 W但不超过74.6 W,每台价值超过2美元但不超过30美元(统计报告编号8501.31.2000中描述)
(55) DC motors, electronically commutated, three-phase, eight-pole of a kind used in HVAC systems, of an output of 750 W, valued not over $100 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.6000)
(55)用于暖通空调系统的电子换向三相八极直流电动机,输出功率为750 W,每台价值不超过100美元(统计报告编号8501.31.6000中描述)
(56) AC motors, multi-phase, of rolled steel frame construction (described in statistical reporting number 8501.51.4040)
(57) AC motors, multi-phase, of an output of 186.5 kW or more but not exceeding 373 kW, having a cast iron frame construction (described in statistical reporting number 8501.53.8040)
(58) AC multi-phase motors, each of an output exceeding 300 kW but not exceeding 310 kW, fitted with pulleys and brakes to raise and lower passenger elevators (described in statistical reporting number 8501.53.8040)
(59) Regenerative speed drive controllers for controlling speed of electric motors for elevators (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.4000)
(60) Speed drive controllers for electric motors, each such controller measuring 100 mm or more but not over 130 mm in length, 40 mm or more but not over 125 mm in width and 24 mm or more but not over 85 mm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.4000)
(60)电动机的速度驱动控制器,每个此类控制器的长度为100 mm或以上但不超过130 mm,宽度为40 mm或以上,但不超过125 mm,高度为24 mm或以上且不超过85 mm(如统计报告编号8504.40.4000所述)
(61) Dual layer printed circuit board assemblies, each valued over $30 but not over $35 (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.7500)
(62) Structural components for industrial furnaces (described in statistical reporting number 8514.90.8000)
(63) Aluminum electrolytic capacitors, each valued not over $3.20 (described in statistical reporting number 8532.22.0085)
(64) Rotary switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring not more than 5.5 cm by 5.0 cm by 3.4 cm, each with 2 to 8 spade terminals and an actuator shaft with D-shaped cross section (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9025)
(64)额定电流超过5A的旋转开关,尺寸不超过5.5 cm×5.0 cm×3.4 cm,每个开关有2到8个扁平端子和一个D形横截面的执行器轴(统计报告编号8536.50.9025中描述)
(65) Rotary switches, single pole, single throw (SPST), rated at over 5 A, each measuring not more than 14.6 cm by 8.9 cm by 14.1 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9025)
(66) Modular light switches, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, presented in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) housings, designed for use with a backplate (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
(66)模块化电灯开关,电压不超过1000 V,装在聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)外壳中,设计用于背板(统计报告编号8536.50.9065中描述)
(67) Switches designed for use in motor vehicles, driver or passenger activated (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
(68) Coaxial connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, valued over $0.20 but not over $0.30 each (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.4010)
(68)同轴连接器,电压不超过1000 V,每个价值超过0.20美元但不超过0.30美元(如统计报告编号8536.69.4010所述)
(69) Butt splice connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
(69)对接拼接连接器,电压不超过1000 V,每个价值不超过3美元(统计报告编号8536.90.4000中描述)
(70) Ring terminals, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
(70)电压不超过1000 V的环形端子(如统计报告编号8536.90.4000所述)
(71) Twist-on wire connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued not over $0.03 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
(71)电压不超过1000 V的绞合线连接器,每个值不超过0.03美元(统计报告编号8536.90.4000中描述)
(72) Zinc anodes for use with machines and apparatus for electroplating, electrolysis or electrophoresis (described in statistical reporting number 8543.30.9080)
(73) Stereoscopic microscopes, not provided with a means for photographing the image, valued not over $500 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 9011.10.8000)
(74) Adapter rings, tubes and extension sleeves, stands and arm assemblies, stages and gliding tables, eyeguards and focusing racks, all the foregoing designed for use with compound optical microscopes (described in statistical reporting number 9011.90.0000)
(75) Depth-sounding apparatus, each valued not over $50 (described in statistical reporting number 9014.80.2000)
(76) Weather station sets, each consisting of a monitoring display and outdoor weather sensors, having a transmission range of not over 140 m and valued not over $50 per set (described in statistical reporting number 9015.80.8080)
(77) Bismuth germanate crystals with set dimensional and surface finish requirements and used as a detection element in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) detectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
(78) Parts and accessories of capnography monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
(79) Electrosurgical cautery pencils with electrical connectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
(80) Combined positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanners which utilize multiple PET gantries (frames) on a common base (described in statistical reporting number 9022.12.0000)
(81) Radiation therapy systems, each encased by steel-based structural shell with gantry cover comprising three pairs of plastics-based panels (described in statistical reporting number 9022.14.0000)
(82) X-ray tables (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.2500)
(83) X-ray tube housings and parts thereof (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.4000)
(84) Multi-leaf collimators of radiotherapy systems based on the use of X-ray (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
(85) Printed circuit board assemblies, of a kind designed for use in X-ray apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
(86) Vertical stands specially designed to support, contain or adjust the movement of X-ray digital detectors, or the X-ray tube and collimator in complete X-ray diagnostic systems (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
(87) Inoculator sets of plastics, each consisting of a plate with multiple wells, a display tray, and a lid; when assembled, the set measuring 105 mm or more but not exceeding 108 mm in width, 138 mm or more but not exceeding 140 mm in depth, and 6.5 mm or less in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 9027.90.5650)
(87)塑料接种器组,每个接种器组由具有多个孔的板、展示托盘和盖组成;组装时,宽度为105 mm或以上但不超过108 mm,深度为138 mm或以上,但不超过140 mm,厚度为6.5 mm或以下的组件(如统计报告编号9027.90.5650所述)
(88) Thermostats designed for air conditioning or heating systems, not designed to connect to the internet, the foregoing designed for wall mounting (described in statistical reporting number 9032.10.0030)
(89) Battery balancers designed for regulating voltage across batteries, other than for 6, 12 or 24 volt systems (described in statistical reporting number 9032.89.4000)
(ii) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and 20(d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.67, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.02 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
(ii)美国贸易代表决定制定一个程序,通过该程序,可将分类在第9903.88.02类中并在本分章美国注释20(c)和20(d)中规定的特定产品排除在第99038.8.02类规定的额外关税之外。参见83 Fed.Reg.40823(2018年8月16日)和83 Fed.Reg.47326(2018年9月18日)。根据产品排除程序,美国贸易代表已确定,根据第9903.88.67类的规定,第9903.88.02类规定的额外关税不适用于列举的统计报告数字中规定的以下特定产品:
(1) Acrylic acid-2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid-acrylic ester (AA/AMPS/HPA) terpolymers, presented in dry form (described in statistical reporting number 3906.90.5000)
(1) 丙烯酸-2-丙烯酰胺-2-甲基丙磺酸丙烯酸酯(AA/AMPS/HPA)三元共聚物,以干燥形式存在(统计报告编号3906.90.5000中描述)
(2) Electrical tape of polyvinyl chloride, in rolls, measuring not more than 2 cm in width, not more than 20.2 m in length, and not more than 0.18 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2020)
(2) 聚氯乙烯电工胶带,成卷,宽度不超过2 cm,长度不超过20.2 m,厚度不超过0.18 mm(统计报告编号3919.10.2020中描述)
(3) Transparent tape of plastics with an acrylic emulsion adhesive, in rolls measuring not over 4.8 cm in width, valued not over $.25 per square meter (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2030)
(3) 带丙烯酸乳液粘合剂的透明塑料带,成卷,宽度不超过4.8厘米,价值不超过每平方米0.25美元(统计报告编号3919.10.2030)
(4) Rolls of polyethylene film coated with a solvent acrylic adhesive (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2055)
(4) 涂有溶剂丙烯酸粘合剂的聚乙烯薄膜卷(如统计报告编号3919.10.2055所述)
(5) Polyethylene film, 20.32 to 198.12 cm in width, and 30.5 to 2000.5 m in length, coated on one side with solvent acrylic adhesive, clear or in transparent colors, whether or not printed, in rolls (described in statistical reporting number 3919.90.5040 or 3919.90.5060)
(5) 聚乙烯薄膜,宽度20.32至198.12厘米,长度30.5至2000.5米,一面涂有溶剂丙烯酸粘合剂,透明或透明颜色,无论是否印刷,成卷(统计报告编号3919.90.5040或3919.90.5060中描述)
(6) Rolls of polyvinyl chloride, measuring 2.5 cm or more but not exceeding 5.1 cm in width and 182.9 m in length (described in statistical reporting number 3920.43.5000)
(6) 聚氯乙烯卷,尺寸为2.5厘米或以上,但宽度不超过5.1厘米,长度不超过182.9米(统计报告编号3920.43.5000中描述)
(7) Films coated on one or both sides with polyvinylidene chloride (PVdC) or polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH), whether or not having a primer layer between the base and coating; any of the foregoing having a total thickness greater than 0.01 mm but not greater than 0.03 mm (described in statistical reporting number 3920.62.0090)
(7) 用聚偏二氯乙烯(PVdC)或聚乙烯醇(PVOH)在一侧或两侧涂覆的膜,无论在基底和涂层之间是否具有底漆层;总厚度大于0.01毫米但不大于0.03毫米的任何前述材料(在统计报告编号3920.62.090中描述)
(8) Printed film of polyvinyl chloride, laminated with foamed-polyvinyl chloride-coated polyester scrim, in rolls, of a kind used for lining shelves or drawers (described in statistical reporting number 3921.12.1100)
(8) 用于货架或抽屉内衬的聚氯乙烯印刷薄膜,与发泡聚氯乙烯涂层聚酯粗布叠层,成卷(统计报告编号3921.12.1100中描述)
(9) Sheets and strips consisting of both cross-linked polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate, of a width greater than 1 m but not greater than 1.5 m, and a length greater than 1.75 m but not greater than 2.6 m (described in statistical reporting number 3921.19.0000)
(9) 由交联聚乙烯和乙烯醋酸乙烯酯组成的片材和条带,宽度大于1m但不大于1.5m,长度大于1.75m但不大于2.6m(统计报告编号3921.19.0000中描述)
(10) Gas (natural or liquid propane (LP)) engines each having a displacement of more than 2 liters but not more than 2.5 liters (described in statistical reporting number 8407.90.9010)
(10) 气体(天然气或液体丙烷(LP))发动机,每个发动机的排量大于2升但不超过2.5升(统计报告编号8407.90.9010中描述)
(11) Dispensers of hand-cleaning or hand-sanitizing solutions, whether employing a manual pump or a proximity-detecting battery-operated pump, each article weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
(11) 手部清洁或手部消毒溶液分配器,无论是使用手动泵还是接近检测电池操作泵,每件物品重量不超过3公斤(统计报告编号8424.89.9000中描述)
(12) Walk behind rotary tillers, electric powered, individually weighing less than 14 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8432.29.0060)
(12) 行走式电动旋耕机,单个重量小于14公斤(统计报告编号8432.29.0060中有说明)
(13) AC motors, of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W, each with attached actuators, crankshafts or gears (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6020)
(13) 交流电机,功率为18.65 W或以上,但不超过37.5 W,每个电机都配有执行机构、曲轴或齿轮(如统计报告编号8501.10.6020所述)
(14) Electric motors, with an output of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W, with attached cables, designed for use in adjusting motor vehicle seats (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6080)
(14) 电动机,输出功率为18.65 W或以上,但不超过37.5 W,带连接电缆,设计用于调整机动车辆座椅(如统计报告编号8501.10.6080所述)
(15) DC electric motors, 12 V, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, with lead wires and electrical connector, measuring not over 75 mm outside diameter, with a housing not over 100 mm in length and a shaft not over 60 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
(15) 12 V直流电动机,输出功率超过74.6 W但不超过735 W,带引线和电连接器,外径不超过75 mm,外壳长度不超过100 mm,轴长度不超过60 mm(统计报告编号8501.31.4000中描述)
(16) DC electric motors, 230 V, with an output not exceeding 140 W, measuring not more than 45 mm in diameter and not over 100 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
(16) 230 V直流电动机,输出功率不超过140 W,直径不超过45 mm,长度不超过100 mm(统计报告编号8501.31.4000中描述)
(17) DC electric motors, 24 V, with an output not exceeding 515 W, measuring not over 95 mm in outside diameter, not over 155 mm in length and with a shaft not over 30 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
(17) 24 V直流电动机,输出功率不超过515 W,外径不超过95 mm,长度不超过155 mm,轴长度不超过30 mm(统计报告编号8501.31.4000中描述)
(18) DC electric motors, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, containing lead wires and an electrical connector (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
(18) 直流电动机,输出功率超过74.6 W但不超过735 W,包含导线和电连接器(统计报告编号8501.31.4000中描述)
(19) DC motors with a power output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 230 W, measuring less than 105 mm in diameter and 50 mm or more but not over 100 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
(19) 功率输出超过74.6 W但不超过230 W,直径小于105 mm,长度大于等于50 mm但不超过100 mm的直流电机(统计报告编号8501.31.4000中描述)
(20) DC motors, of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, each valued not over $18 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
(20) 直流电动机,输出功率超过74.6 W但不超过735 W,每台价值不超过18美元(统计报告编号8501.31.4000中描述)
(21) Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs), Appliance Leakage Current Interrupters (ALCIs), Leakage Current Detection Interrupters (LCDIs), and Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs) (described in statistical reporting number 8536.30.8000)
(22) Electronic AC passive infrared (PIR) motion sensing switches (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.7000)
(23) Position or speed sensors for motor vehicle transmission systems, each valued not over $12 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.4500)
(24) Wheel speed sensors for anti-lock motor vehicle braking systems, each valued not over $12 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.4500)
(25) Apparatus using passive infrared detection sensors designed for turning lights on and off (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9860 effective January 27, 2022)
(26) Liquid leak detectors (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9860 effective January 27, 2022)
(27) Robots, programmable, measuring not more than 40 cm high by 22 cm wide by 27 cm deep, incorporating an LCD display, camera and microphone but without "hands" (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9860 effective January 27, 2022)
(28) Monopolar conductors for a voltage exceeding 1,000 V, other than of copper and not fitted with connectors (described in statistical reporting number 8544.60.6000)
(28)电压超过1000 V的单极导体,铜导体除外,且未安装连接器(统计报告编号8544.60.6000中描述)
(29) Follower block plates, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of freight railcars of heading 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
(30) Motorcycles (including mopeds), with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc, valued not over $500 each (described in statistical reporting number 8711.10.0000)
(31) Motorcycles with electric power for propulsion, each of a power not exceeding 1,000 W (described in statistical reporting numbers 8711.60.0050 or 8711.60.0090, effective July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8711.60.0000, effective prior to July 1, 2019)
(31)具有推进电力的摩托车,每辆功率不超过1000 W(统计报告编号8711.60.0050或8711.60.0090中描述,自2019年7月1日起生效;统计报告编号为8711.60.0000中描述,于2019年7月份1日前生效)
(32) Digital clinical thermometers (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8040 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8010 or 9025.19.8020 effective July 1, 2020)
(33) Digital clinical thermometers, valued not over $11 each (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8040 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8010 or 9025.19.8020 effective July 1, 2020)
(34) Portable, wireless enabled, electrical gas monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9027.10.2000)
(iii) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and 20(f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.67, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
(iii)美国贸易代表决定制定一个程序,通过该程序,可将分类在第9903.88.03类中并在本分章美国注释20(e)和20(f)中规定的特定产品排除在第99038.8.03类规定的额外关税之外,根据该规定,分类在第9903.88.04类和本分章美国注释20(g)中规定的特定产品可被排除在第99038.8.04类规定的额外关税之外。参见《联邦法规》第83卷第47974页(2018年9月21日)和《联邦法规条例》第84卷第29576页(2019年6月24日)。根据产品排除程序,美国贸易代表已确定,根据第9903.88.67类的规定,第9903.88.03类或第9903.88.0 4类规定的额外关税不适用于列举的统计报告编号中规定的以下特定产品:
(1) 0304.72.5000
(2) 0304.83.1015
(3) 0304.83.1020
(4) 0304.83.5015
(5) 0304.83.5020
(6) 0304.83.5090
(7) 3923.21.0095
(8) 3926.20.9050
(9) 5603.12.0090 prior to July 1, 2022; 5603.12.0070 or 5603.12.0095 effective July 1, 2022
(9) 5603.12.0090,2022年7月1日之前;5603.12.0070或5603.12.0095,自2022年7月1日起生效
(10) 5603.14.9090
(11) 5603.92.0090 prior to July 1, 2022; 5603.92.0070 or 5603.92.0095 effective July 1, 2022
(11) 5603.92.0090,2022年7月1日之前;5603.92.0070或5603.92.0095于2022年7月1日生效
(12) 5603.93.0090
(13) 6505.00.8015
(14) 8424.90.9080
(15) 8425.31.0100
(16) 8708.50.8500
(17) 8712.00.1510
(18) 8712.00.1520
(19) 8712.00.1550
(20) Alaskan sole (yellowfin, rock or flathead), frozen in blocks, in cases with net weight of more than 4.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 0304.83.5015)
(20) 阿拉斯加比目鱼(黄鳍、岩石或平头),块状冷冻,净重超过4.5公斤(统计报告编号0304.83.5015中描述)
(21) King crab meat, frozen in blocks each weighing at least 1 kg but not more than 1.2 kg, in airtight containers (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2010)
(22) Snow crab meat (C. opilio), frozen in blocks, in airtight containers each with net weight of not more than 1.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2022)
(23) Dungeness crab meat, frozen in blocks, in airtight containers with net weight of not more than 1.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2030)
(24) Crab meat (other than King crab, Snow crab, Dungeness or swimming crabs), frozen in blocks, in airtight containers with net weight of not more than 1.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2090)
(25) Sodium adipate (1,4-butanedicarboxylic acid, disodium salt) (IUPAC name: disodium hexanedioate) (CAS No. 7486-38-6) (described in statistical reporting number 2917.12.5000)
(26) 1-Cyanoguanidine (Dicyandiamide) (CAS No. 461-58-5) (described in statistical reporting number 2926.20.0000)
(27) N-(n-Butyl)thiophosphoric triamide (IUPAC name: N-Diaminophosphinothioylbutan-1-amine) (CAS No. 94317-64-3) (described in statistical reporting number 2929.90.5090)
(28) Artificial graphite, in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3801.10.5000)
(29) Artificial graphite, in powder or flake form, for manufacturing into the lithium-ion anode component of batteries (described in statistical reporting number 3801.10.5000)
(30) Natural graphite, in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3801.90.0000)
(31) Herbicide consisting of 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium dichloride (CAS No. 1910-42-5) (Paraquat concentrate in liquid form) up to 45 percent concentration with application adjuvants (described in statistical reporting number 3808.93.1500)
(32) Supported nickel-based catalysts, of a kind used for methanation, desulfurization, hydrogenation, pre-reforming or reforming of organic chemicals or for protection of hydrotreating catalysts from arsine poisoning (described in statistical reporting number 3815.11.0000)
(33) Plate-type supported catalysts (reaction accelerators) for reduction of nitrous oxides (NOx) with enhanced mercury oxidation, with oxides of base metals being the active substances, applied to a stainless steel mesh (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
(34) Plate-type supported catalysts (reaction accelerators) for reduction of nitrous oxides (NOx), with base metals being the active substances, applied on a titanium dioxide based ceramic material to a stainless steel mesh (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
(35) Supported catalysts for polymerization (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
(36) Supported catalysts of copper oxide or zinc oxide as the active ingredients for arsine removal (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
(37) Supported catalysts with copper carbonate or zinc carbonate as the active ingredients for low temperature desulfurization (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
(38) Supported catalysts with metal sulfide as the active substance for mercury removal (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
(39) Supported catalysts with molybdenum compounds as the active substance for hydrogenation (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
(40) Supported catalysts with zinc oxide absorbent as the active substance (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
(41) Mixtures containing N,Ndimethyldodecan-1-amine (CAS No. 112-18-5) and N,N-dimethyltetradecan-1-amine (CAS No. 112-75-4) (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9297 prior to January 27, 2022; described in 3824.99.9397 effective January 27, 2022)
(42) Mixtures of hydrofluorocarbons, containing 40 to 44 percent by weight of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (CAS No. 811-97-2), 56 to 60 percent by weight of pentafluoroethane (CAS No. 354-33-6) and up to 2 percent by weight of lubricating oil (described in statistical reporting number 3824.78.0020 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 3827.62.0000 effective January 27, 2022)
(42)含40-44重量%1,1,2-四氟乙烷的氢氟碳化物混合物(CAS No.811-97-2),56至60重量%的五氟乙烷(CAS第354-33-6号)和高达2重量%的润滑油(在2022年1月27日之前的统计报告编号3824.78.0020中描述;在2022年2月27日生效的统计报告号3827.62.000中描述)
(43) Refrigerant gas R-421B, comprising mixtures containing at least 83 percent but not more than 87 percent by weight of pentafluoroethane, at least 13 percent but not more than 17 percent by weight of 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane, and at least 0.5 percent but not more than 2 percent by weight of lubricant (described in statistical reporting number 3824.78.0020 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 3827.62.0000 effective January 27, 2022)
(44) Injection molded polypropylene plastic caps or lids each weighing not over 24 grams designed for dispensing wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.50.0000)
(45) One-piece stoppers, of polypropiolactone ("PPL") or polylactic acid ("PLA") polymers, each comprising a disc-shaped top attached to a rounded, tapered plug with a protruding stirrer, measuring at least 55 mm but not more than 120.7 mm in overall length, and weighing at least 0.6 g but not more than 1.1 g each, of a kind used with lids for beverage containers (described in statistical reporting number 3923.50.0000)
(45)由聚丙内酯(“PPL”)或聚乳酸(“PLA”)聚合物制成的一体式塞子,每个塞子包括连接到带有突出搅拌器的圆形锥形塞子上的圆盘形顶部,总长度至少为55 mm但不超过120.7 mm,每个重量至少0.6 g但不超过1.1 g,与饮料容器盖一起使用的类型(在统计报告编号3923.50.0000中描述)
(46) Endless synchronous belts of vulcanized rubber, molded polyurethane, neoprene, or welded urethane, each of an outside circumference of 60 cm or more but not more than 77 cm and a width of 2.5 cm or more but not exceeding 4 cm, weighing 0.18 kg or more but not exceeding 0.45 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4010.35.9000)
(46)硫化橡胶、成型聚氨酯、氯丁橡胶或焊接氨基甲酸酯制成的无端同步带,每条带的外圆周大于等于60 cm但不大于77 cm,宽度大于等于2.5 cm但不超过4 cm,重量大于等于0.18 kg但不超过0.45 kg(如统计报告编号4010.35.9000所述)
(47) Messenger bags of polyester, each measuring not more than 50 cm by 38 cm by 11 cm, weighing not more than 2.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.12.8130)
(47)聚酯斜挎包,每个尺寸不超过50 cm×38 cm×11 cm,重量不超过2.5 kg(统计报告编号4202.12.8130中描述)
(48) Backpacks with hydration system, each measuring not more than 51 cm by 28 cm by 9 cm, weighing not more than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.0400)
(49) Backpacks with outer surface of textile materials of man-made fibers, each measuring at least 35 cm but not more than 75 cm in height, at least 19 cm but not more than 34 cm in width, and at least 5 cm but not more than 26 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3120)
(50) Duffel bags made predominantly of man-made fibers, weighing not more than 7 kg, with wheels (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
(51) Duffel bags of polyester, weighing not more than 7 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
(52) Covers, of leather, designed for use with telecommunication devices (described in statistical reporting number 4205.00.8000)
(53) Plates, bowls or cups of molded or pressed bamboo pulp, each weighing at least 3 g but not more than 92 g (described in statistical reporting number 4823.70.0020)
(54) Clamshell containers, pizza pans, lids, compartmentalized and other trays of molded or pressed bamboo pulp, each weighing at least 3 g but not more than 95 g (described in statistical reporting number 4823.70.0040)
(55) Silk fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk, the foregoing not printed, not jacquard woven, measuring over 127 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5007.20.0065)
(56) Silk fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk, the foregoing not printed, not jacquard woven, measuring 107 cm or more but not over 127 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5007.20.0085)
(57) Yarn of cashmere or camel hair, carded but not combed, not put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 5108.10.8000)
(58) Woven dyed fabrics of 100 percent textured polyester filament yarn, measuring 332.7 cm in width, weighing more than 170 g/m² (described in statistical reporting number 5407.52.2060)
(59) Woven fabric of 100 percent textured polyester filaments, dyed, weighing more than 170 g/m², measuring not more than 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.52.2060)
(59)100%纹理聚酯长丝机织物,染色,重量超过170 g/m²,宽度不超过310 cm(统计报告编号5407.52.2060中描述)
(60) Woven fabric of synthetic filament yarn containing 85 percent or more by weight of textured polyester filaments, dyed, measuring 249 cm in width, weighing more than 170 g/m² (described in statistical reporting number 5407.52.2060)
(61) Woven dupioni fabric wholly of non-textured dyed polyester filaments, weighing not more than 170 g/m², measuring not more than 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.61.9930)
(61)杜皮奥尼机织物,全部由无纹理染色聚酯长丝制成,重量不超过170 g/m²,宽度不超过310厘米(统计报告编号5407.61.9930中描述)
(62) Woven fabric wholly of polyester, dyed, not flat, containing non-textured polyester filaments, weighing not more than 170 g/m², measuring not over 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.61.9930)
(62)全聚酯机织物,染色,不平整,含有无纹理聚酯长丝,重量不超过170 g/m²,宽度不超过310厘米(统计报告编号5407.61.9930中描述)
(63) Woven fabric wholly of polyester, dyed, containing non-textured polyester filaments, weighing more than 170 g/m², measuring not over 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.61.9935)
(63)全聚酯机织物,染色,含有无纹理聚酯长丝,重量超过170 g/m²,宽度不超过310 cm(统计报告编号5407.61.9935中描述)
(64) Woven fabric containing by weight 47 percent of nylon and 53 percent of polyester, dyed, containing textured filaments, weighing not more than 170 g/m², measuring greater than 274 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.72.0015)
(64)机织物,按重量计含有47%的尼龙和53%的聚酯纤维,经染色,含有纹理丝,重量不超过170 g/m²,宽度大于274厘米(统计报告编号5407.72.0015中描述)
(65) Polyester filament tow, measuring more than 50 ktex but not more than 275 ktex (described in statistical reporting number 5501.20.0000)
(65)聚酯长丝丝束,尺寸大于50 ktex但不大于275 ktex(统计报告编号5501.20.0000中描述)
(66) Polypropylene fiber tow, measuring more than 50 ktex but not more than 275 ktex (described in statistical reporting number 5501.40.0000)
(66)聚丙烯纤维丝束,计量超过50 ktex但不超过275 ktex(统计报告编号5501.40.0000中描述)
(67) Woven dyed fabrics wholly of spun polyester, weighing more than 240 g/m² and measuring not more than 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5512.19.0090)
(68) Non-woven fabrics of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), in sheets measuring not more than 160 cm by 250 cm, weighing more than 1,800 g/m² but not more than 3,000 g/m² (described in statistical reporting number 5603.94.9090)
(68)聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)无纺布,片材尺寸不超过160厘米乘250厘米,重量超过1800 g/m²但不超过3000 g/m²(统计报告编号5603.94.9090中描述)
(69) Rugs of hand-knotted pile, of nylon and polypropylene, measuring at least 1.2 m2 (described in statistical reporting number 5701.90.1010)
(69)尼龙和聚丙烯手工打结绒面,尺寸至少为1.2 m2(统计报告编号5701.90.1010中描述)
(70) Woven dyed embroidery fabrics containing by weight 55 percent of polyester and 45 percent of nylon, weighing less than 115 g/m² and measuring 289 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5810.92.9080)
(71) Long pile knit fabrics, of acrylic pile on polyester ground, valued not over $16 per m2 (described in statistical reporting number 6001.10.2000)
(72) Knitted or crocheted fabrics of artificial staple fibers derived from bamboo (described in statistical reporting number 6003.40.6000)
(73) Sandstone known as brown wave, of a kind used in outdoor living spaces, containing one textured side and up to four chiseled edges with a density of 2,750 kg/m3 (described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0060 prior to July 1, 2023; described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0090 effective July 1, 2023)
(73)被称为棕色波浪的砂岩,一种用于户外生活空间的砂岩,包含一个纹理侧面和最多四个凿边,密度为2750 kg/m3(2023年7月1日之前的统计报告编号68029.09.060中有描述;2023年6月1日生效的统计报告号68029.9090中有描述)
(74) Sandstone with a flamed finish on one side and a length of 200 mm or more but not over 3,100 mm, a width of 100 mm or more but not over 1,380 mm and a thickness of 30 mm or more but not over 180 mm (described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0060 prior to July 1, 2023; described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0090 effective July 1, 2023)
(74)一侧有火焰饰面的砂岩,长度为200 mm或以上但不超过3100 mm,宽度为100 mm或以上,但不超过1380 mm,厚度为30 mm或以上且不超过180 mm(2023年7月1日之前的统计报告编号68029.9060中有描述;2023年七月1日生效的统计报告号68029.9090中有说明)
(75) Grinding beads of yttria-stabilized zirconia (described in statistical reporting number 6909.11.2000)
(76) Screen protectors of tempered safety glass, transparent, cut, and treated, with adhesive on one side, in rectangular sheets, each weighing at least 6 g but not more than 77 g, each measuring not less than 2.8 cm but not more than 28 cm in height, not less than 1.9 cm but not more than 21 cm in width, and not more than 0.1 cm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 7007.19.0000)
(76)钢化安全玻璃屏幕保护器,透明、切割和处理,一面带粘合剂,矩形片,每块重量至少为6 g但不超过77 g,每块高度不小于2.8 cm但不大于28 cm,宽度不小于1.9 cm但不超过21 cm,厚度不超过0.1厘米(统计报告编号7007.19.0000中描述)
(77) Sheets of tempered safety glass, coated with silicone oxide, having a surface area of less than 2.5 m2, designed to be placed over solar cell panels for protection from external damage (described in statistical reporting number 7007.19.0000)
(77)表面面积小于2.5 m2的涂有氧化硅的钢化安全玻璃板,设计用于放置在太阳能电池板上以防止外部损坏(统计报告编号7007.19.0000中描述)
(78) Rear-view mirrors of convex glass for motor vehicles, each measuring not less than 1.75 mm and not more than 2.4 mm in thickness, not less than 125 mm and not more than 210 mm in length, not less than 97 mm and not more than 180 mm in width, weighing not less than 74 g and not more than 188 g (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
(78)机动车辆凸面镜,每个凸面镜的厚度不小于1.75 mm且不大于2.4 mm,长度不小于125 mm且不超过210 mm,宽度不小于97 mm且不多于180 mm,重量不小于74 g且不大于188 g(在统计报告编号7009.10.0000中描述)
(79) Rear-view mirrors of flat glass for motor vehicles, each measuring not less than 1.75 mm but not more than 2.4 mm in thickness, not less than 163 mm but not more than 210 mm in length, not less than 107 mm but not more than 167 mm in width and weighing not less than 80 g but not more than 188 g (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
(79)机动车辆用平板玻璃后视镜,每个后视镜的厚度不小于1.75 mm但不大于2.4 mm,长度不小于163 mm但不超过210 mm,宽度不小于107 mm但不多于167 mm,重量不小于80 g但不大于188 g(如统计报告编号7009.10.0000所述)
(80) Tiles of non-recycled glass on a vinyl mesh backing, in a grid pattern of not less than 304 mm by 304 mm and not exceeding 305 mm by 305 mm, for mosaics or other decorative or construction purposes (described in statistical reporting number 7016.10.0000)
(80)用于马赛克或其他装饰或施工目的的乙烯基网背衬非再生玻璃瓷砖,网格图案不小于304 mm×304 mm,不超过305 mm×305 mm(统计报告编号7016.10.0000中描述)
(81) Equipment for scaffolding, comprising powder coated or galvanized welded tubular steel frames, braces, guard rail systems, components and accessories, the foregoing for assembly into frame and brace configurations measuring at least 10 cm but not more than 3.3 m in height and at least 4 cm but not more than 8.8 m in width, weighing not more than 91 kg, with a load capacity not more than 2,750 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7308.40.0000)
(81)脚手架设备,包括粉末涂层或镀锌焊接管状钢框架、支架、护栏系统、组件和附件,用于组装成框架和支架配置,高度至少为10 cm但不超过3.3 m,宽度至少为4 cm但不大于8.8 m,重量不超过91 kg,承载能力不超过2750 kg(如统计报告编号7308.40.0000所述)
(82) Portable outdoor cooker kits, consisting of at least a burner and stand made from steel and/or cast iron, with an adjustable pressure regulator/hose combination for connecting the burner to a source of natural gas or a portable container of liquefied propane (described in statistical reporting number 7321.11.1060)
(83) Grills composed of steel wire, each measuring 49 cm by 47 cm (19.25 inches by 18.5 inches), weighing 0.36 kg (0.80 lbs.), designed as cooking surface of barbecue grill (described in statistical reporting number 7321.90.6090)
(84) Cable hooks of steel, each weighing not less than 0.2 kg, measuring not less than 9 cm in length, not less than 5 cm in width and not less than 1 cm in height with spring loaded closure gate (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
(84)钢制电缆钩,每个重量不小于0.2 kg,长度不小于9 cm,宽度不小于5 cm,高度不小于1 cm,带弹簧加载的闭合门(统计报告编号7326.90.8688中描述)
(85) Nickel hydroxy carbonate (CAS No. 12607-70-4) (described in statistical reporting number 7501.20.0000)
(85)羟基碳酸镍(CAS 12607-70-4号)(统计报告编号7501.20.0000中描述)
(86) Mounting boards of aluminum for guitar sound modifying ("effect") devices, each consisting of an aluminum frame with above ground slots for the placement of devices and floor level slots for the on/off foot-operated pedal switches which control the modifying devices (described in statistical reporting number 7616.99.5190)
(87) Kitchen and table implements of iron or steel, non-electric, including but not limited to peelers, graters and whisks (described in statistical reporting number 8205.51.3030)
(88) Automotive polishing attachments specially designed for use with a hand-held drill, each attachment including a 9.5 mm steel drive shaft, internal gear assembly, transverse hand brace and rotating disk components (described in statistical reporting number 8207.90.7585)
(88)专门设计用于手持钻机的汽车抛光附件,每个附件包括9.5 mm钢驱动轴、内齿轮总成、横向手撑和转盘组件(统计报告编号8207.90.7585中描述)
(89) Bolt-on tips of carbon alloy steel of a kind used in tub or horizontal grinders (described in statistical reporting number 8207.90.7585)
(90) Flat panel display mounting adapters of base metal (described in statistical reporting number 8302.50.0000)
(91) Stamped and formed brackets of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8302.50.0000)
(92) Gun safes with digital keypads, of base metal, each weighing at least 148 kg but not more than 422 kg, measuring at least 141 cm but not more than 183 cm in height, at least 55 cm but not more than 107 cm in width and at least 40 cm but not more than 71 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 8303.00.0000)
(93) Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines of heading 8407 for marine propulsion (other than cast-iron parts, not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery or connecting rods) (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9290)
(94) Hydraulic valve lifters of steel with rollers, suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines (other than for aircraft engines, marine propulsion engines or for vehicles of subheading 8701.20, or headings 8702, 8703 or 8704), each measuring 5 cm or more but not over 13 cm in length and 2.5 cm or more but not over 3.9 cm in diameter and weighing 135 g or more but not over 410 g (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9990)
(95) Solid valve lifters of steel, suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines (other than for aircraft engines, marine propulsion engines or for vehicles of subheading 8701.20, or headings 8702, 8703 or 8704), each measuring 19 mm or more but not over 114 mm in length and 6 mm or more but not over 26 mm in diameter and weighing 20 g or more but not over 250 g (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9990)
(95)适合单独或主要与火花点火式内燃活塞发动机一起使用的钢制固体气门挺杆(不包括飞机发动机、船用推进发动机或第8701.20子目或第8702、8703或8704子目的车辆),每个气门挺杆长19 mm或以上但不超过114 mm,直径6 mm或以上,但不超过26 mm,重量20 g或以上但不得超过250 g(统计报告编号8409.91.9990中描述)
(96) Wind turbine hubs (described in statistical reporting number 8412.90.9081)
(97) Cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines of the motor vehicles of headings 8703 or 8704 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.30.9090)
(98) Vacuum pumps, each composed of a cast aluminum body and an unalloyed steel cover, measuring not more than 85 mm in length, not more than 75 mm in width and not more than 96 mm in height, with a pump volume not more than 200 cc, for use in automotive braking systems (described in statistical reporting number 8414.10.0000)
(98)用于汽车制动系统的真空泵,每个真空泵由铸铝主体和非合金钢盖组成,长度不超过85 mm,宽度不超过75 mm,高度不超过96 mm,泵容积不超过200 cc(在统计报告编号8414.10.0000中描述)
(99) Hand- or foot-operated air pumps, each weighing 400 g or more but not over 3 kg, with a maximum pressure of 1.52 MPa, imported with adapters for valves for tires and inner tubes (described in statistical reporting number 8414.20.0000)
(99)手动或脚踏空气泵,每个重量400 g或以上,但不超过3 kg,最大压力为1.52 MPa,进口时配有轮胎和内胎阀门适配器(统计报告编号8414.20.0000中描述)
(100) DC blowers for use in motor vehicle climate control systems, each measuring no less than 323 mm by 122 mm by 102 mm and no more than 357 mm by 214 mm by 167 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6540)
(100)机动车辆气候控制系统中使用的直流鼓风机,每个鼓风机的尺寸不小于323 mm×122 mm×102 mm,不大于357 mm×214 mm×167 mm(统计报告编号8414.59.6540中描述)
(101) DC centrifugal radial blowers, each measuring not less than 345 mm by 122 mm by 102 mm and not more than 355 mm by 173 mm by 145 mm, of an output of 100 W to 285 W, and weighing at least 1.80 kg but no more than 2.72 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6560)
(101)直流离心式径向鼓风机,每台尺寸不小于345 mm×122 mm×102 mm,不大于355 mm×173 mm×145 mm,输出功率为100 W至285 W,重量至少为1.80 kg但不超过2.72 kg(统计报告编号8414.59.6560中描述)
(102) Electric display cases incorporating refrigerating equipment designed for commercial use, each with a glass front to display the food or drink being stored (described in statistical reporting number 8418.50.0080)
(103) Upright coolers incorporating refrigerating equipment, each measuring not more than 77 cm in width, not more than 78 cm in depth and not more than 200 cm in height, weighing not more than 127 kg, with one swing-type transparent glass door (described in statistical reporting number 8418.50.0080)
(103)立式冷却器,包括制冷设备,每个宽度不超过77 cm,深度不超过78 cm,高度不超过200 cm,重量不超过127 kg,带有一个摆动式透明玻璃门(统计报告编号8418.50.0080中描述)
(104) Compact portable shipping scales, of stainless steel, with a maximum weighing capacity of not more than 16 kg, with a digital display, weight below hook, and handles, measuring not less than 19 cm in width, not less than 21 cm in depth, not less than 3 cm in height but not more than 52 cm in width, not more than 41 cm in depth, not more than 13 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8423.81.0040)
(105) Screw jacks and scissor jacks, each comprising a base, two lift arms and adjustable wheel pads, weighing at least 22 kg but not more than 42 kg, with a weight limit of not more than 342 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8425.49.0000)
(105)螺旋千斤顶和剪式千斤顶,每个千斤顶包括一个底座、两个提升臂和可调节轮垫,重量至少为22 kg,但不超过42 kg,重量限制不超过342 kg(统计报告编号8425.49.0000中描述)
(106) Sewing machines, not of the household type, not specially designed to join footwear soles to uppers; each such machine weighing 45 kg or more but not over 140 kg, suitable for sewing leather (described in statistical reporting number 8452.29.9000)
(107) Trackpad input units for automatic data processing (ADP) machines, each valued over $100 (described in statistical reporting number 8471.60.9050)
(108) Printed circuit assemblies for rendering images onto computer screens (?graphics processing modules?) (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
(109) Printed circuit assemblies to enhance the graphics performance of automatic data processing (ADP) machines ("accelerator modules") (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
(110) Printed circuit assemblies, constituting unfinished logic boards (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
(111) Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8471, whether or not incorporating fan hubs or LEDs but not incorporating other goods of heading 8541 or 8542 (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.5100)
(112) Ratchet tie down straps, each consisting of straps of textiles measuring not less than 25 mm and not more than 105 mm in width and not more than 12.5 m in length, steel hooks at opposite ends of the straps and a gear and pawl mechanism for adjusting the length of the whole (described in statistical reporting number 8479.89.9499 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8479.89.9599 effective January 27, 2022)
(112)棘轮系紧带,每条由宽度不小于25 mm且不大于105 mm且长度不大于12.5 m的纺织品带组成,带子两端的钢钩和用于调整整体长度的齿轮和棘爪机构(2022年1月27日之前的统计报告编号8479.89.9499中有描述;2022年1日27日生效的统计报告号8479.89.9599中有描述)
(113) Hand-operated valves of plastics, each comprising a bottle lid, drinking spout and flavor dispensing valve (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.5090)
(114) Single phase AC electric motors (other than gear motors), of an output of 56 W or more but not exceeding 69 W, each measuring no more than 9 cm in length and no more than 11.5 cm in diameter, weighing no more than 2 kg, in a housing of base metals, with a switch (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.2040)
(114)单相交流电动机(齿轮电动机除外),输出功率为56 W或以上,但不超过69 W,每台长度不超过9 cm,直径不超过11.5 cm,重量不超过2 kg,装在贱金属外壳内,带开关(统计报告编号8501.40.2040中描述)
(115) Electric gear motors, single phase AC, of an output of 74.6 W or more but not exceeding 228 W, each with a spring, a coupling, and a locking connector, the assembly measuring not more than 30 cm in length, not more than 11 cm in width, not more than 16 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4020)
(115)单相交流电动齿轮电机,输出功率为74.6 W或以上,但不超过228 W,每个电机都配有弹簧、联轴器和锁定连接器,组件长度不超过30 cm,宽度不超过11 cm,高度不超过16 cm(如统计报告编号8501.40.4020所述)
(116) AC motors, single phase, each of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 335 W, measuring not more than 13 cm in diameter and not more than 13 cm in height and with a shaft measuring not more than 39 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4040)
(116)单相交流电动机,每台输出功率超过74.6 W但不超过335 W,直径不超过13 cm,高度不超过13厘米,轴长不超过39 cm(统计报告编号8501.40.4040中描述)
(117) Single-phase AC electric motors incorporating permanent split capacitors, each of an output range of 367 W or more but not exceeding 565 W, operating at not less than 115 V of alternating current (VAC) but not more than 230 VAC, capable of operating while submerged in water, each weighing at least 7 kg but not more than 11 kg, measuring not more than 10 cm in diameter and at least 22 cm but not exceeding 34 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4040)
(117)包含永久分裂电容器的单相交流电动机,每个输出范围为367 W或更大但不超过565 W,在不低于115 V交流电(VAC)但不超过230 VAC的条件下运行,能够在浸入水中时运行,每个重量至少为7 kg但不超过11 kg,直径不超过10厘米,长度至少22厘米但不超过34厘米(统计报告编号8501.40.4040中描述)
(118) Single-phase AC electric motors, other than gear motors, whether or not incorporating permanent split capacitors, each of an output range of 746 W or more but not exceeding 1.13 kW, operating at not less than 115 V of alternating current (VAC) but not more than 250 VAC, capable of operating while submerged in water, each weighing at least 9 kg but not more than 12.5 kg, measuring not more than 10 cm in diameter and at least 25 cm but not exceeding 36 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.6040)
(118)单相交流电动机,不包括齿轮电动机,无论是否包含永久分裂电容器,每台输出范围为746 W或以上但不超过1.13 kW,在不低于115 V交流电但不超过250 VAC的条件下运行,能够在浸入水中时运行,每台重量至少9 kg但不超过12.5 kg,直径不超过10厘米,长度至少25厘米但不超过36厘米(统计报告编号8501.40.6040中描述)
(119) Power supplies for cable networks, that convert 120 V/60 Hz AC input to either 63 V AC or 87 V AC output, each measuring not more than 200 mm by 425 mm by 270 mm and weighing not more than 27.5 kg, containing printed circuit board assemblies, a transformer, and an oil filled capacitor (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
(119)电缆网络用电源,将120 V/60 Hz交流电输入转换为63 V交流电或87 V交流电输出,每个尺寸不超过200 mm乘425 mm乘270 mm,重量不超过27.5 kg,包括印刷电路板组件、变压器和充油电容器(如统计报告编号8504.40.8500所述)
(120) Static converters of a kind used to charge telecommunication apparatus in cars or homes, valued not over $2 each (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
(121) Power adapters for a weather sensor or weather station display (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9580)
(122) Robotic vacuum cleaners designed for residential use, each with a self-contained electric motor of a power not exceeding 50 W and dust bag/receptacle capacity not exceeding 1 L, whether or not shipped with accessories (described in statistical reporting number 8508.11.0000)
(122)设计用于住宅的机器人真空吸尘器,每个吸尘器都配有功率不超过50 W的独立电机和容量不超过1 L的防尘袋/插座,无论是否与附件一起装运(统计报告编号8508.11.0000中描述)
(123) Vacuum cleaners, bagless, upright, each with self-contained electric motor of a power not exceeding 1,500 W and having a dust receptacle capacity not exceeding 1 liter (described in statistical reporting number 8508.11.0000)
(123)立式无袋真空吸尘器,每台吸尘器配有独立电机,功率不超过1500 W,灰尘容器容量不超过1升(统计报告编号8508.11.0000中描述)
(124) Starter motors for internal combustion gasoline engines designed for use in the lawn, automotive, watercraft, motorcycle, industrial and garden industries (described in statistical reporting number 8511.40.0000)
(125) Projectors ("trumpets") of plastics for air horns (described in statistical reporting number 8512.90.2000)
(126) Fan-forced portable electric heaters, each with a ceramic heating element (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0030)
(127) Fan-forced, portable electric space heaters, each having a power consumption of not more than 1.5 kW and weighing more than 1.5 kg but not more than 17 kg, whether or not incorporating a humidifier or air filter (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0030)
(128) Electric fireplace inserts and free-standing electric fireplace heaters, rated at 5,000 British thermal units (BTUs) (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0090)
(129) Electric fireplaces, weighing not more than 55 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0090)
(130) Portable countertop air fryers of a kind used for domestic purposes (described in statistical reporting number 8516.60.4070)
(131) Tubular electric heating resistors (described in statistical reporting number 8516.80.8000)
(132) Closed-loop, digital, video security systems, each consisting of one 4-, 8- or 16-channel digital video recorder (DVR) that connects via cables to at least 2 but no more than 16 color television cameras in housings of plastics, cables and power adapters, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8525.83.0000 or 8525.89.3000 effective January 27, 2022)
(133) Color video cameras for use with microscopes, each camera with C-mount lens mount, weighing not more than 87 g, measuring not more than 109 mm in length and 31 mm in diameter, presented with a cable measuring not more than 1.5 m in length (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8525.81.0000, 8525.82.0000, or 8525.89.3000 effective January 27, 2022)
(134) Digital color video cameras for use with microscopes, each camera with 10 megapixel resolution, weighing not more than 175 g, measuring 63 mm by 37 mm in length, presented with USB cable, reduction lens, eyepiece adapters, software CD and calibration slide (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8525.81.0000, 8525.82.0000, or 8525.89.3000 effective January 27, 2022)
(135) Digital color video cameras for use with microscopes, each camera with autofocus, C-mount lens mount, 1080p resolution, weighing not more than 450 g, measuring not more than 67 mm by 67 mm by 81 mm, presented with AC power adapter and power cable (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8525.81.0000, 8525.82.0000, or 8525.89.3000 effective January 27, 2022)
(135)与显微镜一起使用的数字彩色摄像机,每台摄像机都配有自动对焦、C型安装透镜架、1080p分辨率,重量不超过450 g,尺寸不超过67 mm×67 mm×81 mm,提供交流电源适配器和电源电缆(在2022年1月27日之前的统计报告编号8525.80.3010中进行了描述;在统计报告编号8525.81.0000、8525.820.000或8525.89.3000中进行了说明,自2022年1月份27日起生效)
(136) Printed circuit boards, each with a base wholly of plastics impregnated glass, not flexible, with 4 layers of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0020)
(137) Printed circuit boards, with a base of glass reinforced epoxy laminate material that is compliant with NEMA grade FR-4 fire resistance, not flexible, with 10 layers, designed for use in a flow meter, and measuring not more than 6.35 cm by 6.35 cm by 0.1575 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0020)
(137)印刷电路板,基底为符合NEMA FR-4级耐火性的玻璃增强环氧树脂层压材料,不灵活,有10层,设计用于流量计,尺寸不超过6.35厘米乘6.35厘米乘以0.1575厘米(统计报告编号8534.00.0020中描述)
(138) Printed circuit boards, each with a base wholly of plastics impregnated glass, not flexible, with 2 layers of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0040)
(139) Gas ignition safety controls, measuring 3.8 to 5.3 cm in height, 6.4 to 10.1 cm in width and 13.2 to 13.9 cm in depth; weighing 160 g to 380 g each; and valued not over $26 each; of a kind used in patio heaters, agricultural heaters or clothes dryers (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
(140) Digital sound processing apparatus capable of connecting to a wired or wireless network for the mixing of sound, each capable of mixing 16, 24, 32 or 64 channel, each measuring not more than 17 cm in height, not more than 60 cm in depth, and not more than 83 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9100)
(141) Insulated electric conductors for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, fitted with connectors of a kind used for telecommunications, each valued over $0.35 but not over $2 (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.2000)
(142) Extension cords of copper wire with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheaths, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each measuring at least 9 m but not longer than 16 m in length, with National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) type 5-15P plug on one end and NEMA type 5-15R receptacle on the other (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9010)
(142)带聚氯乙烯(PVC)护套的铜线延长线,电压不超过1000 V,每条长度至少为9 m,但不超过16 m,一端为美国电气制造商协会(NEMA)5-15P型插头,另一端为NEMA 5-15R型插座(统计报告编号8544.42.9010中描述)
(143) Extension cords of copper wire with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheaths, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each measuring at least 4 m but not longer than 16 m in length, with National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) type TT-30P plug on one end and NEMA type TT-30R receptacle on the other or NEMA type 14-50P plug on one end and NEMA type 14-50R receptacle on the other, with handles on each end in the shape of loops (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
(143)带聚氯乙烯(PVC)护套的铜线延长线,电压不超过1000 V,每根长度至少为4 m,但不超过16 m,一端带有美国电气制造商协会(NEMA)TT-30P型插头,另一端带有NEMA TT-30R型插座,或一端带有NEMA 14-50P型插头和NEMA 14-50R型插座,每端都有环形把手(统计报告编号8544.42.9090中描述)
(144) Insulated conductors, not of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) covers and connectors at each end in bundles of 3, 5 or 6 for use in connecting patients to monitoring devices (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
(144)电压不超过1000 V的非电信用绝缘导线,每根导线的每端都有聚氯乙烯(PVC)盖和连接器,每束3、5或6个,用于将患者连接到监测设备(统计报告编号8544.42.9090中描述)
(145) Junction box assemblies, of a kind used in solar panels, incorporating three bypass diodes and two insulated cables fitted with connectors, for a voltage not more than 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
(145)太阳能电池板中使用的接线盒组件,包括三个旁路二极管和两条带连接器的绝缘电缆,电压不超过1000 V(统计报告编号8544.42.9090中描述)
(146) Electrical insulators ("wire nuts") of plastics and steel (described in statistical reporting number 8546.90.0000)
(147) Tire carrier attachments, roof racks, fender liners, side protective attachments, the foregoing of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5060 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5160 effective January 27, 2022)
(148) Guide pins and guide bolts designed for use in brakes and servo-brakes of subheading 8708.30 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.30.5090)
(149) Flange forgings of Society of Automotive Engineers (?SAE?) 1035 carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
(150) Hub forgings of Society of Automotive Engineers (?SAE?) 1035 carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
(151) Park gear blanks of Society of Automotive Engineers (?SAE?) 1520 carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
(152) Stator shafts of Stahlwerk Annahutte ZF34C grade carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
(152)Stahlwerk Annahutte ZF34C级碳钢的定子轴(统计报告编号8708.40.7570中描述)
(153) Front output shafts of Society of Automotive Engineers ("SAE") 1045 carbon steel suitable for use in automatic transmission systems for passenger motor vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.6890)
(154) Hitches receivers of steel, not suitable for towing applications, each receiver to be clamped onto the rear bumper of a recreational vehicle, such bumpers being square in section and measuring not more than 102 mm on a side (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
(154)钢制挂钩接收器,不适用于牵引应用,每个接收器应夹紧在休闲车的后保险杠上,此类保险杠的截面为方形,侧面尺寸不超过102 mm(统计报告编号8708.99.8180中描述)
(155) Bicycles, not motorized, each having aluminum- or magnesium- alloy wheels both measuring more than 69 cm but not more than 71 cm in diameter, tires of cross-sectional diameter of 3.5 cm, aluminum frame, a polyurethane/carbon fiber cord drive belt, 3-, 7- or 12-speed rear hub and twist shifter (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.2500)
(156) Single-speed bicycles having both wheels exceeding 63.5 cm in diameter, weighing less than 16.3 kg without accessories and not designed for use with tires having a cross-sectional diameter exceeding 4.13 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.2500)
(157) Bicycles, not motorized, having both wheels exceeding 63.5 cm in diameter, each having no more than three speeds and a coaster brake (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.3500)
(158) Bicycle frames, of carbon fiber, valued not over $600 each (described in statistical reporting number 8714.91.3000)
(159) Wheeled trailers suitable for towing behind an adult bicycle, each comprising a frame of aluminum with a hitch mechanism, weighing not more than 17.5 kg, with a capacity of not more than 46 kg, with those trailers designated for carrying children meeting ASTM International standard F1975 (described in statistical reporting number 8716.40.0000)
(159)适合在成人自行车后面牵引的轮式拖车,每辆拖车包括一个带挂接机构的铝制框架,重量不超过17.5 kg,容量不超过46 kg,指定用于运载儿童的拖车符合ASTM国际标准F1975(统计报告编号8716.40.0000中描述)
(160) Casters, with diameter (including, where appropriate, tires) of 20 cm or more but not over 23 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8716.90.3000)
(161) Compound binocular optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 1,000X, weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
(162) Compound optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 400X, weighing not more than 15 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
(163) Parts and accessories of meteorological instruments and appliances, each consisting of a wind vane made of plastics and base metal weighing no more than 25 g (described in statistical reporting number 9015.90.0190)
(164) Parts and accessories of meteorological instruments and appliances, each consisting of an assembly comprising 3 rotating wind cups, bearings, an internal aspirating fan and one or more solar panels (described in statistical reporting number 9015.90.0190)
(165) Parts and accessories of meteorological instruments and appliances, each consisting of an assembly made of plastic and metal comprising 3 wind cups weighing no more than 35 g (described in statistical reporting number 9015.90.0190)
(166) Metal casings for, and metal parts of, thermometers of subheading 9025.11.40 designed for use in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (?HVAC?) equipment (described in statistical reporting number 9025.90.0600)
(167) Hand-held card counters, each consisting of a plastic case containing a circuit board, rechargeable battery and controls, weighing less than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9029.10.8000)
(168) 60-minute mechanical count-down kitchen timers (described in statistical reporting number 9106.90.8500)
(169) Upholstered seats with wooden frames other than chairs, not of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials, each measuring at least 144 cm but no more than 214 cm in width, at least 81 cm but no more than 89 cm in height and at least 81 cm but not more than 163 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 9401.61.6011)
(170) Stackable upholstered metal chairs for religious worship settings, capable of interlocking with each other, each with attached holders and racks (described in statistical reporting number 9401.71.0031)
(171) Unassembled upholstered chairs with metal frames, other than household chairs, with seats and backs having a shell of plastics or wood and measuring at least 48 cm but not more than 61 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9401.71.0031)
(172) Hunting stands of steel or aluminum (including ladder stands, pod stands, hang-on stands and climbing stands), each of which allows one or more hunters to ascend to a height and sit while waiting for game animals to appear (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0035)
(173) Unassembled non-upholstered chairs with metal frames (other than household chairs) with seats and backs having a shell of plastics or wood and measuring at least 48 cm but not more than 61 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0050)
(174) Parts of chairs of unfinished plywood, including bodies, legs and arms (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.4080 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9401.91.9090 effective January 27, 2022)
(175) Bench frames of cast aluminum, each measuring at least 42 cm but not more than 79 cm in height, and at least 52 cm but not more than 62 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9401.99.9081 effective January 27, 2022)
(176) Chair frames of metal, each with integral bookshelf, capable of being stacked (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9401.99.9081 effective January 27, 2022)
(177) Foot assemblies of base metal and rubber, designed for folding chairs (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9401.99.9081 effective January 27, 2022)
(178) Household furniture of metal and high-pressure laminated bamboo (other than ironing boards, furniture for infants or children or bed frames) (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0050)
(179) Adjustable wire shelving units of steel, other than for household use, comprising vertical poles, foot caps or casters, clips and shelves, each when fully assembled measuring at least 35 cm or more but not more than 183 m in width, at least 35 cm but not more than 77 cm in depth, and at least 137 cm but not more than 183 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0081 prior to July 1, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0082 effective July 1, 2022)
(179)除家用外的可调节钢制搁架单元,包括垂直杆、脚帽或脚轮、夹子和搁架,每一个在完全组装时宽度至少为35厘米或以上但不超过183米,深度至少为35 cm但不超过77厘米,身高至少137厘米但不超过183厘米(2022年7月1日之前的统计报告编号9403.20.0081中有描述;2022年7日1日生效的统计报告号9403.20.0082中有描述)
(180) Display racks of powder coated steel, whether or not on casters, whether or not with LED lighting, each measuring at least 60 cm but not more than 125 cm in length, at least 60 cm but not more than 125 cm in width and at least 130 cm but not more than 225 cm in height, with slanted shelves with a lip at the front edge of each that measures 3 cm or more in height (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0080 prior to July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0081 effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0082 effective July 1, 2022)
(180)粉末涂层钢制陈列架,无论是否在脚轮上,无论是否带LED照明,每个陈列架的长度至少为60厘米但不超过125厘米,宽度至少为60 cm但不超过125cm,高度至少为130厘米但不大于225厘米,带有倾斜货架,每个货架的前缘有一个唇缘,高度为3厘米或以上(2019年7月1日之前的统计报告编号9403.20.0080中描述;2019年7日1日至2022年6月30日有效的统计报告号9403.20.0081中描述;2022年7月一日有效的统计学报告号9403.2 0.0082中描述)
(180) Foldable tables with frames of steel and/or aluminum, each measuring 25 cm or more but not over 156 cm in length, 30 cm or more but not over 80 cm in width and 37 cm or more but not over 113 cm in height, with a tabletop surface of aluminum (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
(182) Household furniture of high-pressure laminated bamboo, other than babies' or children's furniture (described in statistical reporting number 9403.82.0015)
(183) Baby crib liners, each composed of two pieces of multi-layer warp polyester knit mesh without any padding, one measuring no more than 29 cm by 283 cm and the other measuring no more than 29 cm by 210 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9403.90.6005 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9403.99.5005 effective January 27, 2022)
(184) Flameless pillar candles with LED lamps powered by batteries, each measuring at least 7.6 cm but not more than 20 cm in diameter and having a wax exterior (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8440 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9405.42.8440 effective January 27, 2022)
(185) Flexible strips, each having embedded light-emitting diodes electrically connected to a molded electrical end connector, each strip wound onto a reel measuring not more than 25 cm in diameter and not more than 1.5 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8440 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9405.42.8440 effective January 27, 2022)
(186) Garden, patio and table top wick burning torches for outdoor use (described in statistical reporting number 9405.50.4000)
(187) Lamp shades of fabric over metal frame (described in statistical reporting number 9405.99.4090)
(iv) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.67, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
(iv)美国贸易代表决定制定一个程序,通过该程序,可将第9903.88.15品目中分类的、本分章美国注释20(r)和(S)中规定的特定产品排除在第9903.88.1品目规定的额外关税之外。参见84 Fed.Reg.43304(2019年8月20日)、84 Fed.Reg.45821(2019年八月30日)、84Fed.Reg 57144(2019年10月24日)和85Fed.Reg.3741(2020年1月22日)。根据产品排除程序,美国贸易代表已确定,根据第9903.88.67类的规定,第9903.88.15类规定的额外关税不适用于以下列举的统计报告数字中规定的以下特定产品:
(1) 0505.10.0050
(2) 0505.10.0055
(3) 3401.19.0000
(4) 3926.90.9910
(5) 5210.11.4040
(6) 5210.11.6020
(7) 5504.10.0000
(8) 6506.10.6030
(9) Sodium alginate resins (CAS No. 9005-38-3) (described in statistical reporting number 3913.10.0000)
(9) 褐藻酸钠树脂(CAS编号9005-38-3)(统计报告编号3913.10 0000中描述)
(10) Shower heads of plastics, designed to be fixed, hand-held, height-adjustable or combinations thereof, and parts of such shower heads (described in statistical reporting number 3924.90.5650)
(10) 塑料淋浴喷头,设计为固定式、手持式、高度可调或其组合,以及此类淋浴喷头的部件(统计报告编号3924.90.5650中描述)
(11) Bowls of molded plastics, with clips for retaining guide wires during surgical procedures (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
(11) 模制塑料碗,带有用于在手术过程中固定导丝的夹子(在2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号3926.90.9990中描述;在2020年七月1日生效的统计报告号3926.90.9985中描述)
(12) Disposable graduated medicine dispensing cups of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
(12) 一次性刻度塑料配药杯(2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号3926.90.9990中描述;2020年7日1日生效的统计报告号3926.90.9985中描述)
(13) Sets of three polyvinyl chloride-coated foam pads, of plastics, of a kind used to assemble flotation work vests by passing adjustable straps with buckles through slots in the pads, each set comprising two irregularly shaped front/side pads and one rectangular back pad (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
(13) 三套聚氯乙烯涂层的塑料泡沫垫,用于组装漂浮工作背心,通过将带扣的可调节带穿过垫中的槽,每套包括两个不规则形状的前/侧垫和一个矩形后垫(在2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号3926.90.9990中描述;在2020年七月1日生效的统计报告号3926.90.9985中描述)
(14) Single-use sterile drapes and covers of plastics, of a kind used to protect the sterile field in surgical operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
(14) 一次性无菌塑料窗帘和覆盖物,用于保护外科手术室的无菌区域(2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号3926.90.9990中描述;2020年7日1日生效的统计报告号3926.90.9985中描述)
(15) Sterile decanters of polystyrene plastics, each of a kind used to transfer aseptic fluids or medication to and from sterile bags, vials or glass containers (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
(15) 聚苯乙烯塑料无菌滗析器,每种用于将无菌液体或药物转移到无菌袋、小瓶或玻璃容器中或从无菌袋、西林瓶或玻璃容器转移无菌液体或药品(2020年7月1日之前的统计报告编号3926.90.9990中有描述;2020年7日1日生效的统计报告号3926.90.9985中有描述)
(16) Wallpaper, other than described in subheading 4814.20.00, with floral, landscape, figure or abstract designs or solid backgrounds painted by hand, whether or not with applications of metal leaf (described in statistical reporting number 4814.90.0200)
(16) 除第4814.20.00子目所述外,具有花卉、风景、人物或抽象设计或手绘实心背景的壁纸,无论是否使用金属叶(统计报告编号4814.90.0200所述)
(17) Women's knit robes in chief weight of cotton, with hook and loop tab closure (described in statistical reporting number 6108.91.0030)
(17) 女式针织长袍,主要重量为棉,带钩环搭扣(统计报告编号6108.91.0030中描述)
(18) Babies' gowns of cotton knitted interlock fabric, each with sleeves, neck opening and elasticized bottom opening (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
(18) 棉针织联锁织物婴儿礼服,每件都有袖子、颈部开口和弹性底部开口(统计报告编号6111.20.6070中描述)
(19) Babies' sleep sacks of cotton interlock knitted fabric, sleeveless, each with neck opening and two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
(19) 婴儿睡袋,棉质互锁针织面料,无袖,每个都有颈口和双向拉链(统计报告编号6111.20.6070中描述)
(20) Babies' sleep sacks, knitted, of cotton, each with neck opening and two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
(20) 棉质针织婴儿睡袋,每个睡袋都有颈口和双向拉链(统计报告编号6111.20.6070中描述)
(21) Babies' swaddle sacks of cotton knitted interlock fabric, each with sleeves and mitten cuffs (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
(22) Babies' blanket sleepers of polyester knitted fleece, sleeveless, each with two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.30.5015)
(23) Men's and boys' cotton terry bathrobes with muslin trim, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6207.91.1000)
(24) Girls' cotton terry bathrobes with muslin trim, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6208.91.1020)
(25) Girls' fleece bathrobes, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6208.92.0020)
(26) Blankets (other than electric blankets) of cotton, woven, each measuring at least 116 cm but not more than 118 cm on an edge (described in statistical reporting number 6301.30.0010)
(27) Blankets (other than electric blankets) of cotton, other than woven, each measuring at least 116 cm but not more than 118 cm on an edge (described in statistical reporting number 6301.30.0020)
(28) Dust covers of knitted polyester fabric, designed for bed mattresses and pillows (described in statistical reporting number 6302.10.0020)
(29) Crib sheets of muslin cotton, fitted with elastic (described in statistical reporting number 6302.31.9020)
(30) Protective covers of cotton for pillows, not knitted or crocheted, of cotton, not napped or printed, each with full encasement construction and zipper opening (described in statistical reporting number 6302.31.9040)
(31) Laparotomy sponges of cotton (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
(32) Single-use stethoscope covers (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
(33) Athletic, recreational and sporting headgear comprising shells of polyvinyl chloride, polycarbonate plastic or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, each with an inner liner of expanded polypropylene or expanded polystyrene, designed for use with bicycles (described in statistical reporting number 6506.10.6045)
(34) Sewing machines of the household type, each weighing not more than 22.5 kg, having a touch screen control, a sewing light, a presser foot lifter and an automatic needle threader (described in statistical reporting number 8452.10.0090)
(35) Tracking devices, each device measuring not more than 86 mm on a side (if rectangular) or 28 mm in diameter (if circular) and not more than 7.5 mm in thickness, not weighing more than 15 g, designed to be attached to another article and to establish a Bluetooth connection with another device for the purposes of providing relative location information (described in statistical reporting number 8517.62.0090)
(35)跟踪装置,每个装置的侧面(如果是矩形)不超过86 mm,直径(如果是圆形)不超过28 mm,厚度不超过7.5 mm,重量不超过15 g,设计用于连接到另一物品并与另一设备建立蓝牙连接,以提供相对位置信息(在统计报告编号8517.62.0090中描述)
(36) Wireless communication apparatus that can receive audio data to be distributed to wireless speakers (described in statistical reporting number 8518.22.0000)
(37) Liquid crystal display ("LCD") modules, not capable of receiving or processing a broadcast television signal, each with a video display diagonal measuring not more than 191 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9013.80.9000 prior to January 27, 2022, described in statistical reporting number 8524.11.9000 effective January 27, 2022)
(38) Television liquid crystal display ("LCD") main board assemblies, each consisting of a printed circuit board containing a television tuner and audio and video components (described in statistical reporting number 8529.90.1300)
(39) Protective Articles (described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0000 prior to January 1, 2021; described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0010 or 9004.90.0090 effective January 1, 2021)
(40) Prism binoculars, other than for use with infrared light, comprising a plastic, aluminum or magnesium alloy body with a rubber jacket, with magnification ranging from at least 4X but not more than 22X and aperture ranging from at least 21 mm but not more than 56 mm (described in statistical reporting number 9005.10.0040)
(41) Parts of child safety seats (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.1085 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9401.91.1500 or 9401.99.1085 effective January 27, 2022)
(42) Pillow shells of cotton, each filled with goose or duck down (described in statistical reporting number 9404.90.1000 prior to January 1, 2023; described in statistical reporting number 9404.90.1060 or statistical reporting number 9404.90.1090 effective January 1, 2023)
(42)棉制枕套,每个枕套内填充鹅绒或鸭绒(2023年1月1日前统计报告编号9404.90.1000中描述;2023年01月1日起统计报告编号940 4.90.1060或统计报告编号94 4.90.1090中描述)
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