进口商必须证明这些物质的运输符合《有毒物质控制法》规定的所有适用的规则和命令,包括任何单独进口规则的要求。此外,在12月17日或之后出口或打算出口任何这些物质的任何人都必须遵守USC 2611(b) 号出口通知规定,并且必须遵守CFR第707部分d分部40中的出口通知要求。(关务小二翻译仅供参考,详情请见原文)
Imports of 27 Chemical Substances Could Require Advance Notice
The Environmental Protection Agency is accepting comments through Dec. 17 on a proposed rule that would require persons who intend to manufacture (including import) or process any of 27 chemical substances (click here for full list) for an activity designated as a significant new use by this rule to notify the EPA at least 90 days before commencing that activity. The substances at issue are used in activities such as manufacturing tissue and towel paper; controlling hydrogen sulfide in the vapor space of shipping vessels; bleaching and dyeing textiles; and producing industrial coatings, lenses used in electronic applications, lubricants, and fertilizers.
Under this rule, importing, manufacturing, or processing any of these substances for a significant new use could not be commenced until the EPA has conducted a review of the advance notice, made an appropriate determination, and taken such risk management actions as are required by that determination.
Importers would have to certify that shipments of these substances comply with all applicable rules and orders under the Toxic Substances Control Act, including any SNUR requirements. In addition, any persons who export or intend to export any of these substances on or after Dec. 17 would be subject to the export notification provisions of 15 USC 2611(b) and have to comply with the export notification requirements in 40 CFR part 707, subpart D.