关务小二 发表于 2022-6-29 15:12:03


降低UKCA 认证的重测费用
允许制造商使用在2022年12月31日之前完成的 CE 标志合格评定活动作为UKCA标志认证的基础。以此流程认证的UKCA证书有效期为证书有效期日期或5年(2027年12月31日),以较早者为准。


[*]2025年12月31日之前继续允许企业在产品的随附文件或标签上标贴UKCA标志,并使用来自欧洲经济区国家(eg. 瑞士)的进口商信息。

下面将解释这些提议的变更将如何影响投放英国市场并在《2016 年潜在爆炸性环境使用设备和防护系统法规》范围内的产品:
欧盟CE型式检验证书 (指令 2014/34/EU 模块 B,附件 III)


在2027年12月31日之前,任何目前已获得符合指令 2014/34/EU 的欧盟型式检验证书(通常称为 ATEX 认证)的产品将不需要针对《2016年潜在爆炸性环境专用设备和防护系统法规》(通常称为UKEX认证)的英国型式检验证书。

[*]产品从即日起至 2022年12月31日获得新的欧盟CE型式检验证书认证

在2022年12月31日之前,任何经过合格评定活动并获得符合指令 2014/34/EU 的欧盟型式检验证书(通常称为 ATEX 认证)的产品,在 2027年12月31日之前,将不需要针对《2016年潜在爆炸性环境专用设备和防护系统法规》(通常称为UKEX认证)的英国型式检验证书。

[*]产品在 2022年12月31日之后通过新的CE欧盟型式检验证书认证

任何在 2022 年底之后通过合格评定活动并获得符合指令 2014/34/EU(通常称为ATEX 认证)的欧盟型式检验证书的新认证的产品,都需要根据《2016 年潜在爆炸性环境中使用的设备和防护系统法规》(通常称为UKEX 认证)获得英国型式检验证书。


任何在2022年底之后进行合格评定活动并要求根据指令 2014/34 / EU(通常称为 ATEX 认证)更新欧盟型式检验证书的产品,可能需要针对 2016 年潜在爆炸性环境中使用的设备和防护系统法规(通常称为 UKEX认证)的英国型式检验证书。因为目前的指南指出“如果产品受到重大更改,其原始性能,用途或类型发生重大变化,它将被视为'新'产品”,而被视为实质性变化的内容将是主观的,所以这一点还需进一步澄清。任何需要公告机构重新评估和/或重新测试的变更都可能被确定为实质性变更,但是,需要对这一点进行进一步澄清。修订后的法规可能会澄清这一点。

质量保证通知(QAN)(指令 2014/34/EU 模块C1、D、E附录 IV、VI 和 VII)


直到EU QAN在2022年12月31日后到期之前,任何目前拥有欧盟公告机构针对指令 2014/34/EU(可被称为EU QAN)发布的质量保证通知(QAN)的制造商将不需要由英国批准机构签发针对《2016 年潜在爆炸性环境 中使用的设备和防护系统条例》(可被称为英国 QAN)的单独质量保证通知。因此,他们可以使用欧盟 QAN作为其UKCA 标记的基础,直到EU QAN到期(2022年12月31日之后)。
欧盟 QAN 通常具有3年的有效期,在这 3 年的有效期结束后将被视为已过期,需要经重新评估后重新发布。
一旦欧盟QAN到期(2022年12月31日之后),它就不能再用作为UKCA标志的基础,需要单独的 UK QAN。


Reducing re-certification/re-testing costs for UKCA marking
The government intends to introduce legislation to allow completed conformity assessment activities carried out under EU requirements (including existing testing, certification, and contractual arrangements relating to the quality control or auditing of existing certificates) undertaken by non-UK CABs (accredited by their national accreditation body) for CE certification before 1 January 2023 to be used by manufactures to declare existing product types as compliant with UKCA. Products must still bear UKCA marking and will need to undergo conformity assessment with a UK Approved Body at the expiry of the certificate or after 5 years (31 December 2027), whichever is sooner.
This will allow manufacturers to apply the UKCA mark without the need for any UK-recognised CAB involvement and continue to place their goods on the market on the basis of their existing CE type examination completed before 1 January 2023. for the lifetime of the certificate issued, or until 31 December 2027 (whichever is sooner).
Where manufacturers are using existing CE certification completed before 1 January 2023 as the basis to demonstrate compliance with UKCA for their products, we recommend that they include in the UK Declaration of Conformity the list of relevant UK designated standards and equivalent EU harmonised standards that apply to their product, as well as details of the EU CAB (or CAB recognised under an EU Mutual Recognition Agreement) which carried out the conformity assessment procedures.
If conformity assessment procedures have not been completed and a supporting CE certificate issued before 1 January 2023. these products are considered ‘new’ products. This also includes where goods are subject to important changes, overhauling its original performance, purpose, or type requiring new certification. Any ‘new’ good must comply with GB regulatory requirements, including the requirement for conformity assessment by a UK approved body from 1 January 2023.
This measure applies across all module types for the following regulations:

[*]Noise Emission in the Environment by Equipment for Outdoor Use Regulations 2001
[*]Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008
[*]Ecodesign for Energy-Related Products Regulations 2010
[*]Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011
[*]Explosives Regulations 2014
[*]Pyrotechnic Articles (Safety) Regulations 2015
[*]Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016
[*]Simple Pressure Vessels (Safety) Regulations 2016
[*]Lifts Regulations 2016; the Pressure Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016
[*]Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2016
[*]Non-automatic Weighing Instruments Regulations 2016
[*]Measuring Instruments Regulations 2016
[*]Recreational Craft Regulations 2017
[*]Radio Equipment Regulations 2017
[*]Regulation (EU) 2016/425
[*]Regulation (EU) 2018/426

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